☘ 004; [action/phone]

May 08, 2011 23:23

[A; 311 Miller Street; morning]

[Sitting on the windowsill of her room (and boy was it ever a pain getting it there) is this, with an attached note:]


This place is enough to drive the best people insane.

Try to remember you have at least one friend to rely on.

[B; 1331 Benny Road; morning]

[He hadn't seen her in a while; that alone was ( Read more... )

family issues, lancerbros assemble, ☆diarmuid, ☆enkidu, ☆hajime, ☆rin, ☆ruri, see you in hollow ataraxia, ☆archer, ☆nena, ☆nina, kotomine sucks, fuck everything, ☆garviel, why we can't have nice things, ☆elizabeth

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[Phone] uberchickmagnet May 9 2011, 04:02:36 UTC
Sure thing, but where exactly do you want us to meet?


[Phone] riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 04:04:42 UTC
...Come over to my house, it'd probably be better to make sure we weren't overheard.


[Phone] --> [In Action] uberchickmagnet May 9 2011, 04:11:16 UTC
All right, then. I'll be there as soon as possible.

[And moments later, there'll be a knock at the door.]


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 04:17:02 UTC
[He answered it immediately, looking far more stressed out and irritated than his usual confident self.]

Hey. Come on inside--sorry this is so sudden.


[Action] uberchickmagnet May 9 2011, 04:36:02 UTC
[Though Diarmuid could clearly see that Lancer wasn't having a swell day, he decided not to get straight to the matter, even though he was concerned for his fellowman's well-being.]

It's fine, it's fine. [He simply gives him a light-hearted smile as he steps inside.] It's kind of an honor, though. Being invited to your house and all, but enough with the excitement for now.

So, what exactly is it that you wanted to talk to me about?


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 04:41:49 UTC
[He shut the door, hand lingering on the doorknob as he kept his back to Diarmuid for a moment. Surely he'd heard the story, would know what had happened and why Lancer was having difficulty with this.]

...Connla arrived in Mayfield this morning. [Lancer turned, crossing his arms and leaning against the door with a calm look on his face. Hopefully the name was all he would need to say.]

I needed to tell someone I could trust. Aside from Rin.

[Who was going to give him seven shades of hell when she knew the truth, surely.


[Action] uberchickmagnet May 9 2011, 05:27:52 UTC
Oh, is that so...

[While he couldn't sympathize fully with Lancer, given that he never experienced the loss of a child, he still had to at least give him some support as much as possible.]

Do not worry. I will keep watch over him to the best of my efforts, so you needn't be too anxious. Is that all you had to say, or is there more that I should know about?


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 05:36:36 UTC
That's really not necessary. I can keep an eye on him, and he can watch out for himself.

...I don't know, Diarmuid. [He sighed, a tone of clear uncertainty and frustration in his voice.] I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. How do you say 'oh, sorry I left you alone your whole life and accidentally killed you'?!

He hates me, I don't blame him, and I don't know what to do about this whole thing.

[He would likely have gone to Bazett with this problem, but that wasn't an option anymore. Aside from Rin, the other Lancer was the only one he trusted with information like this now.]


[Action] uberchickmagnet May 9 2011, 16:18:30 UTC

[There be chin-tapping going on.]

You've already tried talking to him calmly about it, right?


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 9 2011, 19:36:41 UTC
Yeah. Didn't work, to say the least.


[Action] uberchickmagnet May 10 2011, 02:04:46 UTC


This is quite troublesome, indeed. Though the only solution I can suggest for now is to keep on trying. Don't lose your temper, even if he brings up anything that'll make you want to snap back at him. Let him know that you truly did care for him, and that you are sorry for it. For each day, reach out to him for a little bit. Eventually, he'll come around and maybe then the both of you can finally reconcile.


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 10 2011, 02:11:37 UTC

[It wouldn't be that easy. Lancer wished it was; he wanted that more than anything But that wasn't the way this would likely unfold, and he knew it.]

Diarmuid...there's a good chance I am going to die at Connla's hands sooner or later. Should that happen and I don't come back, I'm trusting you to keep an eye on him.


[Action] uberchickmagnet May 10 2011, 02:50:07 UTC

[Diarmuid's eyes grow wide in shock. He would've most likely protested as well, but chose to hold his tongue instead. However, the sadness and pity showed in his eyes.]

...I swear that I will watch over him, on my knight's honor. You can count on it.


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 10 2011, 02:54:08 UTC
Thanks--I know death supposedly means nothing here, but if it apparently happened to me once I have no doubts that it could happen again.

[Lancer sighed, looking exhausted--death was nothing that concerned him, but facing Connla in a fight again was not something he was looking forward to.]

What the hell's next, Mayfield? Why don't you bring in Ferdiad and the Morrigan, have the 'out for Cú Chulainn's blood' party fully assembled? Damned town is out to get me, I swear...


[Action] uberchickmagnet May 10 2011, 03:08:15 UTC
Heh, well they're going to have to get past me first if they want to have at you.

[He goes over to give him a pat on his shoulder, and gives him a reassuring smile.]

Besides, if they try to take you down, they might as well take both of us.


[Action] riastrad_ridire May 10 2011, 03:12:11 UTC

[A small smirk twitched across his face at the other Lancer's words.]

I appreciate the sentiment, but my rematch with Connla at least is something I need to settle on my own. He deserves that much.


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