☘ 004; [action/phone]

May 08, 2011 23:23

[A; 311 Miller Street; morning]

[Sitting on the windowsill of her room (and boy was it ever a pain getting it there) is this, with an attached note:]


This place is enough to drive the best people insane.

Try to remember you have at least one friend to rely on.

[B; 1331 Benny Road; morning]

[He hadn't seen her in a while; that alone was reason enough to see how she was doing. And for whatever reason, today Lancer had felt like bringing her flowers as well. it was a little strange for him, but obviously he didn't think the sudden idea was anything suspicious. Women liked flowers, right? And sure, Bazett wasn't your ordinary woman, but--]

[--but whatever answered the door was decidedly not Bazett.]

[Shit, shit shit, that wasn't possible, she'd been droned while he was living barely a hundred feet away, how did that happen?! A moment's shock turned to sudden and barely-controlled anger; he immediately spun around and stormed off, scowling. He couldn't stand to look at that whatever-it-was with his former Master's face. He'd failed her a second time, and it absolutely disgusted him.]

[C; Church of Salvation; morning]

[Lancer knew what kind of things happened when he lost his temper. And even if certain abilities he had in life were unavailable even as fully-powered Servant Lancer, he had learned to control his emotions marginally well in and out of a fight. But today? Today he was having a lot of trouble keeping himself thinking rationally.]

[It wasn't the droned priest's fault, logic made that quite clear. But logic was not in the front of Lancer's mind right now; he was pissed off, and Kotomine had killed her once. No, not even that. He hadn't killed her, Lancer was just too goddamn stupid to know otherwise.]

[He walked into the Church of Salvation, a startlingly calm and unreadable look on his face...]

[...and punched the drone square in the face at full force before turning and walking out like nothing happened.]

[D; park; afternoon]

[And just WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, the day got even worse. No, this should have been a good thing. He should have been happy--thrilled, even. Mayfield had given him a chance Lancer was certain he had lost permanently.]

[But how was he supposed to deal with this? With any of it?]

[Great work, Lancer. Obviously I'm the best Servant there is--Bazett's droned, Connla's never going to forgive me, and I'll have to explain to Rin how I killed my only son. You're a fucking idiot, Setanta.]

[His thoughts were bitter and remarkably self-loathing as he sat under a tree in the park. The spear Garviel had given him was in the former Servant's hand, and being gripped so tightly Lancer was starting to lose feeling in his hand without even noticing it.]

[phone; afternoon]

Can you meet me somewhere? It's...really important.

[His voice was likely somewhat strained by this point; between the anger and the 'how the hell do I deal with this', he was two steps from snapping.]
You. We need to talk. Now.

Lancer. Tch, feels like I'm talking to myself... Got a few minutes? I'd like to talk to you about something.

family issues, lancerbros assemble, ☆diarmuid, ☆enkidu, ☆hajime, ☆rin, ☆ruri, see you in hollow ataraxia, ☆archer, ☆nena, ☆nina, kotomine sucks, fuck everything, ☆garviel, why we can't have nice things, ☆elizabeth

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