News on Nibby

Jun 09, 2009 13:50

So Mr.Nibbs went to the vet yesterday but his lab work didn't come back until a few hours ago.

The current situation is bad.

So he essentially relapsed with Hepatic Lipidosis (AKA Fatty liver.) 
It's a liver disease ~_~
Those who were with me through round 1 of this know the hell I went through to make my cat better again.. now I have to try all over again.

It seems like it wasn't the elevated levels of stuff mixed into the food as much as the food itself.
His system is delicate and will need to be on a strict diet for the rest of his life (Science diet lite for life!)  if he recovers.

So treatment options are this right now:
Plan A:

We hospitalize him for a few days while they keep him on IV's and he's under observation.. he gets medicated etc. 
Then he gets a feeding tube put into his esophagus so we can feed him without worrying so much about him throwing up and he can start to get nutrients in his system again.
He also needs a biopsy to check his liver.

Also he may need an ultra sound to make sure there's nothing else in there like growths etc.. but at this point this is optional.

Plan B:

We treat him from home with SubQ fluids and try to feed him the same as the first time around. Every few hours, he gets force fed slowly to get nutrients back into him.

The total cost either way we go is going to cost approx $1900-2k. That made me almost cry when the vet told me. If I can at least raise half of that.. that would help

Life never has good timing :( Naturally my cat would get sick right before I need to leave for SoCal to work AX and take care of Dad.

Does anyone know how to make one of those neat Meter things that shows you when you get to your goal when you take donations etc?
I can try to do one I update everyday if I just edit a picture..

We've looked into CARE credit before, but I don't remember why we couldn't get it before??
It is something we're still looking into though.

Thank you so much to everyone who has spread the word/donated/entered the raffle/ sent hugs/well wishes etc. I really cannot thank you all and express how grateful we are.

Thank you also for putting up with my whining all over the place. My cats are really important to me because they're part of my family. This has just been a hard year.. it feels like everyone is slipping away all at once.

It's going to be a long night.

help, vet, fund raising, nibby, life

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