Dec 20, 2005 13:02

You are the Strength card. Strength occurs when we
are able to work with our primal instincts. In
Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth, this card is
called Lust. Lust can be thought of as the
source of our inner power. Our desires, when
firmly held, provide us with the energy and
direction we need to achieve our goals.
Strength relates to the practice of magick.
Magick is the ability to use the will to alter
reality in some way. In the strength card, we
see a woman, by way of her gentleness and will,
tame a wild lion. Her own inner capabilities
have enabled her to perform this magickal feat.
This is the kind of spiritual or primal
strength that is indicated by this card. Image
from The Stone Tarot deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

And so comes to a tragic end my first semester at UMD College Park. Wait, not bloody tragic. I blew that econ exam out of the water! Well, maybe not that. But I passed it. And I managed to watch Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch Black, and Son of Sam whilst studying. Say it with me now: I RULE.

Visited Aunt Stacey last night. That woman is amazing. Recovering from hip surgery, and she was still holding court and dancing. It was good to see her. We talked about Greece, and educators, and Gogs; I think I might try to spend some time with her before the new year.
I had gotten some bad news (expected bad news, but still) before I saw Stace, and talking to her helped me remember something I had forgotten. In all the stress of school, stalkage, transferring, sucky friends, the crazy, health disasters in the Land of Alison, the death trap I live in... basically in the shitastic fandance 2005 has been, I've lost sight of the essential principle: I'm going to be ok. I'm always going to be ok. Cuz that's just how I am. There are some people who aren't always ok, that's true. But I always have options open and avalible to me, and very importantly: I have a loving and incredibly supportive family network. I may have a ton of bullcrap to deal with, but when I need it, the wagons will circle.

I just realized: I'm probably going to end up living in Greece or Vietnam or elsewhere; my cousin Brady's in Australia; my cousin Logan is moving to Rome; Annie's moving to Casablanca for a bit; Elaine's going to London... family reunions are going to be awesome.
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