Porn Battle! and girl Clint

Jan 14, 2013 23:43

Porn Battle prompt submission has opened! Go leave prompts! :) You have until Thursday for prompt submission (I need to get moving...). I want to participate in some way since there is only one a year now, but I'm so busy right now... starting a marketing class this weekend. It's short (couple of weekends) but therefore will be intense and require a lot of reading in a short amount of time. I made it through chapter 1 of the textbook tonight. ^^

And all I wanna do now is draw this prompt...

The Avengers (2012), Phil Couslon/girl Clint Barton, sight, desk, couch

I'm thinking 'desk' specifically, like fem!Clint sitting on Phil's desk and leaning down to kiss him or something. Swear to god I did not have a desire for fem!Clint until I saw that prompt, and suddenly I was all "OMG YES I love you". Because she would be awesome and gorgeous and kick ass. And I want fem!Clint/Natasha now...

So, here is a Very Important Question: what does her hair look like? I am torn between long-ish hair in a mid-height ponytail and short spiky hair.

Also trying to decide what her name is. I can't think of a good feminine version of Clint, and I kinda like the idea that her name is still just Clint. Maybe she gave it to herself, maybe in the circus where she at first tried to disguise herself as a boy and the name just stuck. I don't know. I'm sure there is fic and I'm kinda curious to see how other people have written her backstory, but I want to come up with my own separately without the influences of other fic. I feel like she needs a full backstory, lol, even though it is just a drawing. Maybe I will write a ficlet. I kinda want to submit a bunch of prompts just so I can then fulfill them. Phil/fem!Clint/Natasha porn... with pegging.

*eyes glaze over*

...yeah, this is really not a good time for me to have Porn Battle happening. :( So much to do, so little time... but I will submit prompts and try to draw something.

........*twenty minutes late*

Ok I kinda drew her. Just a quick sketch. It's messy and unfinished and I just took a picture of it with my phone because I am falling asleep and my eyes were closing as I drew her face, but I actually really quite like it. Once I am awake again I will clean it up. The most I did right now is crop it. In Paint. I am lacking photo software right now on my new computer - can't even do a quick brightness/contrast fix. Also apparently the answer is short spiky hair. I tried long hair and it didn't look right...

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I feel like she should have a tattoo. Just putting that out there. :)

bed now.

art, avengers

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