not impressed, Vancouver. Also, upcoming events!

Jun 08, 2011 19:01

Oh for... seriously, end of period 2 and we're down 3-0? Fuck me, that's all I can stand to watch tonight. I'll check back at some point in the third period to see if we're not sucking quite as much, but I don't usually watch much hockey to begin with and this is just depressing. Maybe they'll be better when they're back home on Friday?

Anyway, more cheerful stuff - various upcoming events that I wanted to remind everyone about and see who's coming. :)

- Can't Stop the Serenity is June 25th from 11am-6pm. It's going to awesome as always. And I'm making another crochet Tardis for the silent auction! Aside from the movie itself, we're having a Dr. Horrible sing-along which will be lots of fun. Tickets available online at the link above, or let me know if you're coming and I can pick up a ticket next time I'm at Fontana's... Plus, we'll hopefully be showing off our dancing skills with our first performance of Thriller! Everyone's been learning it for months, and I just caught up and learned it myself.

- Which brings me to... Zombiewalk on August 20 and Thrill the World on Oct 23rd (I think). Anyone else want to learn to dance Thriller and come with me? Come on, it's fun and easy! I learned most of it in a day, and if I can do it then anyone can... Our group is doing it at Zombiewalk and then of course for the Thrill the World event. I've never actually been to Zombiewalk, so this oughta be interesting!

- X-Men: First Class - anyone want to come with me? Maybe this weekend? Or whenever, I'm not picky. But I def want to see it, and figured some of you would too.

Okay, that's it for now. Well, there are a bunch more movies, but they're still a ways off.


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