Supernatural, couple of other things

Sep 24, 2009 20:39

Time-shifting is awesome. :)

Classic Supernatural combination of making me laugh my ass off and breaking my heart. Again. Oh Dean. :( Really enjoyed the episode overall, especially the Dean/Cas scenes which aside from being ridiculously slashy were a nice break from the seriousness of the season (well, mostly). I was spoiled ages ago about Dean taking Cas to a brothel but it was still hilarious - poor Cas looked so uncertain. And when Dean was asking him if he'd ever had sex and he was all, "uhh, I never got around to it..." or whatever. And I'm just waiting for fill-in-the-blanks fic to come out of that ep - after all, Cas was still a virgin after the botched attempt at taking him to a brothel... presumably they had all night between that and when they went to summon Raphael, so who knows what could have happened? ;)

(also, Cas failing at fake!FBI espionage! Lol, too cute. Especially holding the FBI badge upside down... and being all, "well, we just tell him it's an angel". And not understanding why they have to lie. And then going on about demons and angels in front of the guy! Oh Cas, you're trying so hard but... you have no clue.)

Enjoyed the Sam scenes - though I do kind of want to smack him because sure those hunters ended up being a bit on the crazy side, but they had a point earlier that Sam's "personal issues" pale in the face of the fucking apocalypse. But I loved that he didn't let himself be tempted by the demon blood - that was a great moment when he spit it back out and then beat the shit out of the other hunters. ;)

"Jessica" actually being Lucifer, not too much of a surprise... Sam being Lucifer's vessel, also not much of a surprise in that many of us have been speculating that for ages. It'll be interesting to see where this goes - not sure that I'm crazy about it any more than I am that Dean's meant to be Michael's vessel, but hopefully they'll both resist and neither will get taken over... except evidently in the future!verse of next ep, which I've been excited about since I learned about it. Lucifer!Sam (presumably) is Lex Luthor in a white suit! Awesome. And was that scruffy!Cas I saw??

And finally, the real angst... oh DEAN. :( :( The thought that he never really had fun with Sam all those years hunting together, I can't believe it... I mean sure it wasn't always a walk in the park and they didn't exactly have much fun together in the past year or so, but before that, the first 2 seasons before the deal and Ruby and everything going to hell (literally)... I always like to imagine that for all the shit they go through and how much they drive each other nuts, they had fun at times and enjoyed being together not just because they were family and had a deep-seated and unhealthy obsession with each other. ^^; But I suppose Dean's just not in the best space right now when it comes to Sam, and face it, Hell notwithstanding he's spent the vast majority of the past 4 years constantly with Sam, and really, everyone needs time alone sometimes. :) And much though it hurts, it's probably healthy for him to realize that he can deal and be happy without Sam around, so that when they do inevitably come together again they'll be able to have a more normal and less unhealthy/obsessive/generally fucked up relationship.

(course, considering that it's the unhealthiness/obsessiveness/generally fucked up-ness of their relationship that fuels most Wincest... I'd be sad to see it go. :( They wouldn't be Sam and Dean without all that!) And it's strange to think of them separately, in some ways - I've always thought of them as SamnDean, inseparable, but maybe time apart will help them work their own shit out. But only for awhile, because then they totally need to get back together, work their collective shit out TOGETHER as well as separately, and then fix the fucking apocalypse, because really. ;)

And I just realized that I totally forgot to address the whole Raphael storyline and 'God is dead', which yeah, mindfuck. Though I imagine He is actually still around, as Dean told Cas. Also, Raphael's entrance with the electricity!wings? Awesome. And I will never stop laughing over "now you're my little bitch", and "what he said". AHAHA oh Cas, you've come a long way. :) Dean looked quite impressed.

And on a not-quite-total non-sequitor... I just finished watching last night's ep of Glee, since I had it TiVo-ed and needed something cheerful after SPN (I suspect this will be the case for the rest of the season...), and it continues to varily be awesome. And shiny and funny and adorable. And it has great music. Also, Kurt, who totally stole my heart this ep. And the reason that this isn't quite a total non-sequitor is that Kurt Fuller aka Zachariah had a brief guest spot in this ep and honest to god I freaked out a bit because I couldn't stop seeing Zachariah and he was freaking me out...

Aaanyway... in non-TV land, lesse. Still job searching. ;_; Trying not to think too hard about it right now... editing course at SFU is going pretty well; still haven't decided if I'll continue, but I'm enjoying it well enough. Went to the old house today to take the last of the stuff to the Salvation Army or the recycling; that was Mom and my last time there... Dad'll be down tomorrow to take the very last of the stuff to the dump, but I won't see it again. Which... wow, is really weird. But I mostly managed to deal with the emotions at the start of the month, and once we got going and moving everything out it got easier. Still hurt today, but at least it's over... haven't lived there much in the last 4 years anyway, and really, it doesn't feel like the same home I grew up in. I'll miss it though, anyway - it was so painfully familiar, as a house becomes after 22 years. :) And it'll be strange not to be in that neighbourhood anymore. I kept intending to go for a walk down to the river and my old elementary school (now a Catholic school, wtf, still not amused by that) but never got to it. God knows when or if I ever will now. Not like I can't ever go back there, but I don't have much of a reason to and since I don't drive it's not like I can just pop over there on a whim. Well, I can, but would have to take the bus and it'd seem like more of an ordeal... which is funny, considering that I'm really only about a 10 minute bus ride or drive away. ^^;

Oh well, I suppose we all have to let go of our childhoods eventually. Still hurts, though. :( Too many damned memories of that house and the area. *sigh* Anyway... time to move on. :) The Office in half an hour, and the 2nd ep of the new show Community afterwards, which premiered last night and imo was hilarious. Also has John Oliver from TDS, so yay! Flashforward premiere is Tivo-ing right now, I'll watch later or tomorrow... looking forward to this one, should be good. AND, tonight at 11, what I've really been waiting for: Blago on The Daily Show! I can't believe he's actually going to be a guest, it's too funny... can't wait to see Jon tear him a new one!

supernatural, glee, rl

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