Emmys over... yay for time-shifting so I could watch them live. :) Some awesome stuff, several disappointments... business as usual at the Emmys, I guess.
Here's the most awesome-est part ever, for my fellow Whedon fans... yes, it's already on Youtube. Gotta love the Internet.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4ys5sM3TLM - boooo to Hugh Laurie losing AGAIN. *sigh* And Bryan Cranston won last year, didn't he?
- yay Jon for winning best writing & best variety, but was hoping Stephen would get something (at least best music for Colbert Christmas! wah.)
- Very happy that Michael Emerson finally won best supporting actor, he's so good on Lost... definitely one of the best parts of the show now.
- John Hodgeman voiceover, lol. "This is Jon's 900th win, and frankly that's too many." Hahaha.
- NPH=awesome. Why am I not watching How I Met Your Mother? I should get around to that... also, here's to NPH as Oscar host next year - come on, Academy! Please?
- best comedy and drama, predictable... love 30 Rock, but a bit tired of it always winning these days. Should really watch Mad Men...
Yeah, that's bout all I've got. Not bad, some disappointments, but all is forgiven for that skit. :)
And this icon seems appropriate, considering. ;) Been waiting for an excuse to use this one.