(no subject)

Jun 27, 2009 19:59

*yaaawn* So tired... end of my first day at Supanova, which basically consisted of me walking around for 6 hours staring at shit I could conceivably buy, snapping pictures of cool costumes, and sitting in on two panels (one of which I had to stand in, and I was about to drop by that point. ^^). It was fun, I guess - not really hte most exciting con in the world, but I still like the atmosphere at cons, seeing all the great costumes and being among people who look at my Vancouver Browncoats t-shirt and go "ahh, Serenity!" not "what's a browncoat...?" :) Tis nice to be among one's own kind, lol.

Anyway, didn't end up buying that much - gotta say, even the dealer's tables were not all that exciting imo... or maybe I'm just cheap... I budgeted $100-200 for buying crap, just in case I saw anything I couldn't live without, but... I really didn't see anything I couldn't live without, which made me rather sad. :( So I blew money on random junk, cuz hey, I did budget it. ^^;

Here's what I bought so far:

- plush Iron Man - okay yes, I've been coveting it since November and dammit he was only $10. Don't judge me. ;_; I can put him next to my hand-made Tony Stark doll...
- Sonic Screwdriver torch (sorry, flashlight - been in Aussie land too long!) - $10 and it's a piece of plastic crap, but whatever. Anyway, I've lost the little flashlight I bought... okay, I'm sure it's in my suitcase somewhere, but there's a lot of shit in there and I'm too lazy to dig.
- Watchmen poster (this one, with Rorscach walking down the street with his back to the camera, and his "this city is afraid of me. I've seen its true face" quote. It's nifty. Also only $10, so bargain!)
- Rorschach bookmark. Hey, it was only $5 and I always need bookmarks...
- some film magazine w/ Daniel Radcliffe on the cover which I only bought because if I bought it then I could spin a wheel to win a prize. :) Got to choose from a table full of junk that I didn't really want, and the one thing I did kinda like (a Dalek bottle opener... okay, I know, I don't drink and rarely need to open bottles, but still!) turned out to be on the wrong table and they made me choose something else. Woe. Ended up with an ugly green and too big t-shirt with the Lost numbers on it. Another sleeping t-shirt... ^^;
- And what's turned out to be my favourite... a Dean Winchester amulet, aka the one that he wears in the show. ^^; I kept coming back to it all day, knowing I shouldn't waste $30 on it (it's not particularly great quality, but whatever), but I started despairing that I hadn't bought anything yet (yes I realize the lack of logic in that!) so I finally came back, stared at it yet again, asked the guy to let me see it to see how cheap the quality was (it turned out to have a bit of weight to it, at least, so don't think it's plastic at least), hummed and hawed a bit, then he leaned over and said "$25" into my ear and I immediately said "okay fine". XD Just needed that extra bit of persuasion... he went and got me a non-display one, then asked if I was sure and if I'd wear it. To which I said, "yeah, I actually will - this is about the extent to my jewellry wearing". which is completely true... and now I'm wearing it and quite like it, it gives me something to fiddle with. :)

Also got a free Doctor Who poster. Yay.

Panel-wise... Stanislav Ivaneski (Krum in HP4) couldn't make it today (think his plane was delayed?) so hopefully he'll be here by tomorrow. Saw the Q&A with Dave Gibbons, the artist of Watchmen, which was quite interesting. And Karl Urban (McCoy in new Trek/Eomer in LotR) of course, though I got there a bit late and found a huge lineup, so had to stand in the back. But it was entertaining, anyway...

and I've gotta run. The hostel is showing The 40-Year Old Virgin, which I've seen half of but never finished. Want to see it now properly... pictures from con later!


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