Keef on The Simpsons + update

Jun 18, 2009 10:22

LOL, I had no idea this existed...

Keith on The Simpsons. :) Awesome.

Okay, real update time... it's been an eventful week, of sorts, and I realized I hadn't posted about any of it. Last week we headed out to the Blue Mountains to our latest WWOOF host, who was a very kind older lady. Had a nice start to the visit, then I came down with a stomach flu and spent all night throwing up... -_- When I woke up that morning and told her, she said (very nicely, and sounding quite guilty) that she can't afford to get sick and she's got a weak immune system, so she asked us to leave. So we went to the hostel in Katoomba, the main town in the Blue Mountains where we were staying, and conked out for the rest of the day. Anyway, the next host we're going to has a young child, and we were just in Melbourne where the majority of the swine flu cases in Australia have been (and it's spreading quite rapidly there, I hear...), so just in case we decided to get tested (I wouldn't have bothered otherwise, probably, but for the sake of our next host...). Spent all day Friday in the hospital waiting for test results, that was fun... finally the doctor came in and said that the results were negative, but they only have 60% accuracy. -_- He said that the state health department would contact us "Monday, maybe Tuesday or Wednesday if they're busy" (which obvs they are right now...) to let us know for sure, and in the meantime we should quaratine ourselves. -___- He didn't think we had it, and neither did we (I was getting better already, and had only really been sick for one night), but our next host said she wanted to wait until we knew for sure (understandable, of course, but it meant we were stuck...). So, we spent the week in the hostel, doing bushwalks and stuff since we weren't too close to people that way. :)

Of course, we didn't hear from the health dept Monday... or Tuesday... or Wednesday... finally Wednesday morning we decided to come into Sydney (neither of us is at all sick at this point. ^^;) for a change of scenary. Finally just called the damned health dept yesterday and was cleared, as expected. so yay, no swine flu! XD for now. ^^ Now I can go back to mocking it... it was a pain in the butt actually being slightly worried about it, and having to spend the money on a hostel for a week. We're heading south to a small town on the NSW border, a bit north of Canberra, to our next WWOOF host today. Staying there a week, then Supanova next week!! Am excited for that. :) After that, dunno. Probably Brisbane. Possibly a job, if I can find one, for a month, then Mom comes in August for 2-3 weeks and we're going to go on tours in Queensland and the Northern Territory. Including a crocodile-viewing river cruise, evidently. o.o

Anyway, I've got a ton of pictures from the Blue Mountains, which I do fully intend to post at some point... ehehe. Soonish?

australia, pundits

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