Hee! Back for the weekend. I just reread my last post - i really was overly dramatic for what turned out to be *counts on fingers* only four days. Still thanks for all the replies and recs, it made the time go past much faster!
Gosh, you guys have been busy! I've only just managed to skim over f-list and it's taken 4 and a half hours! Sorry if I missed anything.
Anyway it wasn't so bad. The work side of it has been the most fun I've had in a long time. The place is ok too. The no internet part, obviously sucks, but somehow i just about managed to survive.
Also i wrote a short ficlet thing for the Kavanagh challenge at
kavtolanon (what? i was alone and internet deprived *g*). Anyway the deadline is today and now it's
azicrow's turn to be banished from the 'net, so anyone feel like doing a quick beta for me?
*goes to dl 'The Long Goodbye'*