More thank yous :)

Dec 29, 2007 09:34

Thank you also to tika_w and used_songs for the cards. I loved the decorations inside your card too, Opal :) It was a nice thing to come home to after working all night.

This Christmas I got (amongst other things) a huge Barrowman poster, a Trek calender, a Cam Mitchell action figure and a SG1 mug. Yes I am easy to shop for :D I bought myself series 1 and 2 of Bones (I saw a few episodes and it seems cool), series 1 of 24 (even I can't believe I've never seen it), series 1 and 2 of House, the Don Strachey movies, Supernatural series 1 and a whole bunch of other random DVDs.

This post of random babble has been bought to you by my strange place where I'm really tired but it's morning and I don't think I'll be able to sleep.

"Fire bad. Tree pretty."

christmas, work

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