It's been long time since I wrote something here (and maybe I've also forgotten english XD)
Well there's a big new since my last post! At the moment I'm living in Cagliari for university, I rent a room with other two girls, one of whom is a colleague of university! I'm staying in Cagliari from Tuesday to Saturday to attend my lessons, yes I have university lessons also on Saturday!!!!
It's 3 months I'm living here but it seems it passed much more time, I got used to live far from my parents very quickly (I'm also 21!! It was time to go away): the first day was terrible, I was only because my colleague went out with his boyfriend while the other girl had not come back I was completely lonely and I wanted only to cry ç.ç But from then on things could only get better, and this is what happened!
My big problem, no problemS are two: I can't do ANYTHING at home, a part from cleaning, and the second problem is my MOTHER, she's too apprensive and she's convinced that I had only to study, this means that I would not go out with friends (so I go out without saying her anything), I would not cook and wash clothes! About food, I've lunch at university refectory (I'm slowly getting used to it) and I've dinner with the meals my mother prepares for me on Monday and I bring to Cagliari on Tuesday (I leave Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock), I know, I'm very bad, you can insult me XD I must say that, even if I'm trying to convince her I must learn to cook on my own, It's more comfortable to have all made already...even worse XD Instead about washing clothes I don't know how to turn on the washing machine even, so the Saturday when I come back home I take to my mother all my dirty clothes...I know you're are hating me!!! XD
Regard the second problem I solved it not answering her calls on the phone ^___^
I know you're not interested in my flat but I wanna write in english so I'll write few words about it: first of all It's at the 4th floor of the palace, there'are 8 flights of stairs, 80 steps, NO ELEVATOR, and the saddest thing is I'm not able to take upstair the suitcase, so my father helps me =( ...Well the flat is really small (I can clean it quickly yeeeeeee): there are three bedrooms, one for each girl, one little bathroom and and the kitchen where the three of us cook, eat, talk and watch the tv =)=)
I'm happy to stay with them!! ^^
About university, I've started my 3rd year, I started 3 courses: Pathological Anatomy, Fisiopathology and Medicine of Laboratory and I've done the exam last Monday, the next exam (the first half of Pathological Anatomy) would be at February (aaaaa I'm scared but I'm not studying -.-""")...besides I've started an optional course of tecniques of autopsy, 4 lessons during whic the prof. explain us how an autopsy has be done, I hope they'll show us "alive".
Well now let's talk little about Arashi, new single arrived me "Troublemaker" with little photo of the Sho of that PV *ç* ...You know what I'm talking about, the best Sho I've ever known, so wonderful, I think I fell in love with him after watching this pv and the single is the moment all CDs of Arashi I have,
rosa_elefantegave me, I bought only The Arashi Tour Anniversary DVD, and also that through her XD Besides she made me know Kanjani8, and I started to love them because, as well as Arashi, they convey me the warmth of a family *.* , we watched together 8UPPERS concert and I think: first of all Ryo is very *ç* while Yoko is a black outcast who plays bongos (He's so sweet *__* I was about to fall in love with him when I learnt he loast his mother last year, poor Yoko =( and then he created EITO RANGERSSSS yeeee XDXD).
Anyway I made a "duet" with Kanjani8, singing Snow White (if you don't know I LOOOVE CHRISTMAS), dedicated to Rosa who made me know them, since she said to me that I sung in tune I decided to publish it ^^ (in the video there are also Arashi photos)
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Finally some icons I made lot of time ago...
Some taken from Sho AnAn I mad time ago for dear
makino_chan26 Other old icons