Wanna buy a poster?

Nov 03, 2009 08:41

Hey folks <3 I'm alive. And I will make a life-in-Melonland update soonish. But first!

So I went to Taipei, Taiwan last year to see Arashi in their AAA2008 concert (you can check my tags on the side for my journal entries about it). It was marvelous, and I ended up buying some concert goods. One of them was the penlight; the other was the group poster with the fireworks and all.

The point being, this poster has been hanging on my wall and creeping me out for the past year. ^_^;;;;; I've discovered that I'm kinda averse to having faces of people I don't personally know staring down at me, haha, as much as I love Arashi. I'm hoping there is someone out there on my lovely flist (or lurks, why not) who does not have my issues who'd like this poster! :P

It's in like new condition, I used blue painter's tape to stick it to my wall. This is a pretty nice poster, actually, it's not paper but some kinda vinyl-y heavier stuff. There's a teeny bit of crinkle near the bottom on the left side because I'd rolled it to take with me on the plane and, well.

I am willing to send it anywhere you want, as long as you pay for shipping. I got it for NT600, so $20 USD work for folks? First come, first served. :D

And since it's still November 3 here (ahaha though not in Japan anymore ^^;;;) Happy 10th Anniversary Arashi! Love and laughter to you from this day forward.

Love to you all, update will happen. Somehow. ♥

taiwan, arashi, sales

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