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Oct 10, 2009 00:12

In the immortal words of Granny Weatherwax. She is badass.

I'm....totally not in the mood to update about my life. Ehehehe. But instead, to have some useful content, I would like to direct everyone over to jerainbowbridge which just had an exchange. Basically a lot of inter-group unity and hijinks going on. Even if you don't know half the groups involved, that's okay, treat them like original characters. :D Because the talent over there is phenomenal, please go read!

My current favorites, working backwards:
Secret Places: Ohkura/Junno/Kame. Mmm, a definite curl-up-with-hot-tea-and-a-blanket story. Gorgeously lyrical writing.

How to Win Friends and Influence People: Yoko, Aiba, Nino, Koyama, Junno, Toma. Totally adorable friendship fic. Nino and Junno are my favorites in this, I think. ♥

eleven, uneven (perfect): Arashi and NewS office AU. At times silly, poignant, and revealing, this author clearly had a lot of fun putting different matchups together. Plus I am a sucker for office AUs.

Thin Line Between Work and Friendship: Toma/Yamapi, Yamapi-Jin-Ryo friendship. AU with Yamapi as a rent-a-friend. This was a lot sweeter than I expected from the premise. Yamapi's friends are not helpful. Except when they are. XDDD

Accidentally in Love ~or~ Five Times Jun Noticed Massu: Jun/Massu, Arashi, NewS. Guh, this is such an unexpected pairing, but pulled off convincingly, with neither party being unduly angsty or stupid. Koyama, Shige, Aiba and Sho kind of steal the show. XDDD So adorable.

Per Ardua, Ad Astra: NEWS, KAT-TUN, Arashi, Takki&Tsubasa, Toma & some other juniors, Hey!Say!JUMP cameo, Maki/Meisa cameos, ONE OK ROCK, Charlotte, Vistlip, SID (copied from the page because holy cow a lot of people. Okay, this one is epic. Cowboy Bebop or Firefly kind of epic. 4 parts epic. Hit all my space adventure kinks, though there's a bit of explanatory wordiness in lots of areas where Anon-san explains some of the physics or military stuff or technical what have you, it's not more than what you'd find in the average military space sci-fi novel. (Ahaha anyone who reads David Weber knows what I mean. XDDD) NewS and KAT-TUN as space traders of awesome. Two words: the ship's name is One Piece. XDDD

Never Compete with the Elephant in Defecating: Ryo, Junno, Shige, Kame, Koyama, Jin, Yamapi, Ueda, and Kinki Kids, with appearances by or mentions of other News and KAT-TUN members, Arashi, Tackey & Tsubasa, Toma, and select members of TOKIO and SMAP. Immigration office AU! Yeah, the title kind of threw me off at first, but don't let that stop you! Incredibly hilarious AU. Very strange people attempt to get past these officers and immigrate into JE-land.

Japanese Whispers: Mentions of practically every band pre-2006. The Johnny's Gossip Network plays Telephone. You'll want to be sure you don't have any food or drink in hand when you read this. :|b

shaka lacka boom boom
(alternative title: the one in which Arashi are evil robots programmed to take over the world)
: Kanjani8, Arashi, KAT-TUN, NewS; (Aiba/Toma, Nino/Kame, Koki/Shige, MatsuJun/Koyama, and if you squint, some Pin). Yeah, that title says it all, maybe. XD AU in which Hina and Yoko are mad scientists. This is the good crack, for serious. Also one to avoid drinking while reading. XDD

Lotsa good stuff. ^____^b Please feed the authors, I have to get my act together and comment on the stuff that came out earlier in the challenge posting. Definitely going to have to do some stalking after reveals are up.

je, arashi, ficrecs

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