I'm alive! Real Life and Fandom and Blather

Jun 05, 2008 23:52

In bullets, because I'm scattered like that.

1) Went to the dentist last Thursday, finally making use of the dental coverage. Found out that I had three cavities, one of them in my upper left wisdom tooth. Which I had thought was sprouting extra bits of tooth since December. Had it pulled, and what do you know-- it was. I have mutant wisdom teeth! Will scan and post at some point. :P

2) That dental office was cooool. The xray thing? Wasn't actually bits of xray film stuck in my mouth. It was a sensor, and the dentist showed me my teeth on the laptop immediately afterwards. So cool.

3) My brother is graduating his special needs post-graduate program next week. Yay! We went to the dinner-dance thing tonight. Tasty catered food, actually (I declare it's better than some of the weird catered stuff I've had at Scripps when it was trying to be swanky).

4) Re: his graduation, he invited me to go to Great America with him this past Tuesday. It was fun, though for various reasons I ended up going back alone to meet up with his classmates and teacher for a while. Ahhh, it was fun, even though I went on most of the rides by myself. The rollercoasters were such a rush! And since it was in the middle of the week, despite all the busloads of schoolkids, it was relatively sparsely populated. Short lines at nearly everything, though the Rapids ride was a 20-minute wait and disappointingly tame. Vertigo yay! Flight Deck yay! Psycho Mouse yay! (I love that feeling of almost going over the edge, haha) No spinny rides for me though. @_@

I want to go back at some point with friends, I think. ^_^

5) Work is...interesting. I'm being challenged every day, learning how to manage and motivate people. It's been a rocky ride, that's for sure. I screw up a whole lot, and I'm hoping like hell I'm learning fast enough to keep up. ^^;;; But I have really sweet customers, not nearly the number of spoiled picky people as in LG, but a few crazies and a few odd folks with entitlement complexes, but you get that everywhere.

6) Today marks my 1 year anniversary in Arashi/JE fandom. \o/ I kinda can't believe it. It's the longest I've been continuously in one fandom, because usually I'll be in one for five or six months at most neck deep and reading fic and downloading canon like crazy, and then it'll taper off. Then again, all my previous fandoms have been manga, anime, books and TV shows. With a fandom like Arashi, where 'canon' is continuously being produced and shared, well. :P I blame it all on mousapelli. :D :D :D

7) All my best to you loves. ♥ Even if I suck at commenting or otherwise keeping in touch, know that you're in my thoughts and I wish you well.

je, arashi, work, rl, fandom

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