Staying up late reading the news

May 24, 2008 01:33

I know, I know, it's late. Over ten days late. Still sinking in, I think. Have been spending the last hour or so reading articles on (Chinese news website) here in English, stories and newsbits and such on the Sichuan earthquake(s) because of Fybabe's post. Just trawling Arashi fanblogs and hit this, so. well.

I don't have any family in that part of the country, but even so. We watch Chinese news in the evening so of course it's been all over the news. Morning of, a customer told me about it and I hadn't heard anything because I didn't watch news before going to work, so I was in shock. My family's donating money to the Red Cross via KTSF, the Chinese language San Fran Bay Area station we watch. If you feel the urge to donate to this (or various other causes, goodness knows Myanmar and Guam and central U.S. and lots of other places have been hit with terrible natural disasters recently) then go for it, but I've heard you need to be wary of Red Cross look-a-like scams...

On an academic side of things, the news coverage is interesting. Lots of human interest stories, seems like transparent media coverage and gov't work is the name of the game, though I saw a thing on the news of people (ah humanity) trying to embezzle? siphon off? emergency supplies which is hideous, though I'm guessing since it made the news they're going to crack down on that. Certainly the response is very quick and people are working very hard to help(I can't help comparing it to the U.S. response after Hurricane Katrina...>.>)

Okay, too much rambling, needs more sleep. All my love to you lovelies, and good thoughts. For everybody, really. ♥

links, china, rl

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