(no subject)

Jan 01, 2004 15:16

Today has been a complete disaster day!, but it's ended up ok so all's well that ends well i guess.

Last night at around 5pm i noticed that i had no network coverage on my phone. i was hella pissed off about it! i thought it was just dodgy optus can't handle all the new year sms-es that are being sent around this time, but this morning i rang up the phone company to find out what the fuck was happening and they said "oh did you get a new phone recently", and i said yeah! They go, "have you been using the sim card from your old phone in your new phone?", and i said yeah! And she was like "oh sorry, your old sim stopped working at close of business yesterday, you're gonna have to start using the new one". Far out man, it wouldn't've taken much for one of their customer service people to call me a couple of days before to tell me that!!

So anyway, i looked everywhere for the new sim, and couldn't find it so i thought it's probably in one of my drawers at work or something. So i caught the train in to the city and when i got to the building my stupid swipe card wouldn't work 'cos i have dazza's swipe card 'cos i lent mine to tristan 'cos his one doesn't work and he was working over the break. So that fucked me over. So i rang rod from a pay phone across the road and asked if i could meet him somewhere to borrow his swipe card off him. So i walked to glebe from the rocks to meet rod but they'd already left glebe by the time i got there, 'cos he didn't hear the part where i said i'd be a while 'cos i didn't have a car. So then i had to get a taxi to darlinghurst where they were having lunch. Anyway, we finally made it to work and i got in the building and i found the new sim. So now i'm back on track. Now i just gotta figure out how to infra-red all my phone numbers and stuff in to the new sim.

Seriously though, we're so reliant on our phones. Our whole life is in there, so i felt like i might as well have been dead without it!! i sent a happy new year message to gem from rod's phone, and she sent back the nicest reply. She's such a lovely girl :)

Anyway, so for new year's eve i went round to rod's house, hung out there for a while with him and ben & kirsten and this wardie bloke, then we got some food and went to kate & dan's place which is totally wicked. Jesse and stephanie were there too. During the midnight fireworks we drowned out the evil doof-doof music from the party in the courtyard with some old-skool faith no more and stone temple pilots! Wooohoo! Then we went to the park and set off some amateur fireworks. Then we went back to rod's and watched some crappy tom green dvd, then at about 3am i walked home!!

Originally i was gonna do the anti-new year thing and just go up to my parents' house in katoomba and camp on the floor there 'cos it's not furnished at all. That would've been fun. My mum and dad were there, but they're not so bad for old people :) However, last minute all these other old people decided to go too so at that point i opted out!

i'm really enjoying the break i've had for the last week and a bit. It's been really nice :)

On christmas day we just had a quiet one at home. We had special christmas lunch, and then had afternoon naps after that.

Then on boxing day we got up at about 5am or something silly like that 'cos we drove to this place called candelo which is sort of near bega to my aunty penny's house 'cos she was having a big boxing day lunch for some reason. It's a beautiful place. For some reason country living makes me wanna drink heaps of cups of tea, so i did that which was fun. Old grandpa bill was there. He used to be married to my nanna who just died, but since nanna wasn't technically related to me, and they divorced when i was about 2, i've never really had much to do with him. He's such an old bastard. My dad reckons he's the smartest bloke he's ever met. Fair enough he's smart but he's a complete twat!! And they kept going in to family politics circa 1978-1981, and i was just like get over it people!! They were saying some really horrible things and i was getting quite upset!

When i went to the funeral a couple of weeks ago, penny asked if i wanted anything of nanna's to remember her, and i said "what about vonda bear?", who's this fat little stuffed panda bear i used to play with at her house when i was a kid. And on boxing day i scored vonda (not as a christmas present of course, 'cos that would've been a bit tacky)! i was sooo happy. She's really cute (vonda that is)!

The cricket starting tomorrow is all set up for a classic! i can't wait...
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