I'm back! I've been a little bit busy. Never would have thought working in a bed and breakfast could be so hectic, but it is. Been tired afterwards and just a little bit too lazy to post. Sorry! Anyway, things are going okay on the job front. I don't even think I'll need a second job. Yay! More time to me-self. Didn't have that before, 'course I
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Comments 8
*mourns tv* Can you watch dvds on the computer? That might help ease the pain.
Also, I'm doing research on Baz, too. I want to be able to help when you get around to her.
I'll totally let you know if Shoot'em up is a dud. I'll be watching it in a few hours. He kills someone with a carrot?! Whoa!
Bryn I bow to your wisdom. *bows--a lot* ;] I still have that info from the last few conversations we had about her. That'll be awesome! I will totally have chap 18 for you by tomorrow night. Swear!
Gah! The unconvenient demise of my poor tv. You're right though, sci fi definitely looks better on a wider screen, specially one like Farscape, with all of its puppetry, colors, and special effects.
Ooh! The Brave One was a good movie. I'm watching Shoot'em Up tonight. Gonna see my dreamhoney, Clive. Dreamy!!!!
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