Right, sorry...I was gonna do this list earlier but got distracted by the shiny drabble challenges over at
tw100 I am an awfully distracted person...
Right-o! This be Timetraveller Ianto, includes rift accidents, accidents involving alien devices, a wee bit of Year-That-Never-Was and Companion!Ianto (with Ianto/TARDIS love, because we know TARDIS will just love Ianto). Not exclusively JackxIanto pairing, there may be some Ianto/10, you are warned.
Short Fic
Blame It On The Moonlight by
tanarian Summary: I loved this ficlet, absolutely perfect. Ianto is scarred by his one-sided love for Jack and the Doctor is emotionally stunted after Rose and Martha. It just makes sense for them to find each other. Beautifully written.
Tags: 10/Ianto, Companion!Ianto
Distract Them! by
tanarian Summary: MUST READ An absolute gem of a fic. Jack, The Doctor and Ianto find themselves confronted with 3 Daleks in an abandoned space ship and Ianto's devious mind and perfect delivery are put to good use. Hilarious and absolutely perfect.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Daleks, Companion!Ianto, Humour
I Don't Do Domesticity by
tanarian Summary: Ianto can whip anyone into shape, including the formidable Doctor. Part of Tanarian's series of 10/Ianto fics.
Tags: 10/Ianto, Companion!Ianto, Domesticity, Humour
It Didn't Start Like This by
szm Summary: MUST READ Fabulous alternate look at Doctor Who episode Boomtown, where Ianto gets tangled in the adventure and Jack just can't help himself. Fantastic characterisation, so seamless and utterly orgasmic. We all wish it went like this. Make sure to read the small sequel I've recced in the Immortal!Ianto list.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Rose, Mickey, Companion!Ianto, Episode: DW Boomtown
Jack Is Back by
clarity_lore Summary: Its not really short, but a collection of separate stories, partaining to Jack's return after Last of the Timelords. And its not really Ianto who's travelling, but it deserves to be here by virtue of its diversity. This fic has it all and its well written. Be sure to read the tags below.
Tags: Janto, Mpreg, Mind control, Character Death, Vampire!Ianto, Anti!Jack, Smut, Body swap, Abuse
Mutiny by
tanarian Summary: MUST READ Fabulous TARDIS POV. Bitchy-TARDIS is an awesome thing to see. Brilliant dialogue and some TARDIS!PRON...we adore! this is just one big LOL for example; TARDIS "I suppose I should try and look suitably MFI" and "My sodding cup runneth over" and "They're both inside me! That was quick. Huh, never any foreplay these days."
Tags: Janto, Queen!TARDIS, Humour
Not As Planned by
TheSilverSunSummary: Jack takes Ianto out in the Universe for a romantic getaway, of course they manage to bollocks it up...A bit of fluff and H/C never hurt anyone...
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Martha, H/C
Perspective by
tanarian Summary: Yes I noticed its another tanarian fic, but what can I say, she is just too good, she spoils us, she really does. Here Ianto and the TARDIS teaches Jack and the Doctor a little lesson in living ones life.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, TARDIS, Companion!Ianto
Welcome To The TARDIS by
szm Summary: MUST READ Its AU post End of Days in the sense that Martha and Jack keep on travelling with the Doctor and after a while of missing him, Jack drags along Ianto for the ride. Its the story of how Ianto wins everyone in the TARDIS over, including Queen!TARDIS. Absolutely wonderful as expected of the author.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Martha, TARDIS, Companion!Ianto
Wrong Turn, Right Turn by
tanarian Summary: MUST READ Great use of the idea of the Hub being alive. I love the little part where Ianto got into a pissing match with the future team over their right to be there. Fantastically written and sweet ending.
Tags: Janto, Future!Jack, Fluff, Rift Accident
You And Me, Alone Together by
finkpishnetsSummary: MUST READ Oh my! This breaks my heart everytime. This is a perfect example of Ianto-goes-travelling-with-another-lost-soul kind of fic. Gives me the same feeling as Complications in which Ianto finds himself sidelined, ignored and forgotten to the point where he doesn't think anyone would miss him if he died, but this time he finds a way out. We need more fics like this people...
Tags: Arsehole!Jack, Doctor, Martha, Companion!Ianto, AngstWithAHopefulEnding
Zig Zags by
hanuuesheSummary: MUST READ A fantastic read, taking something that should have been tragic and hard to read into something that made me giggle at some point takes skill. That's why we love DW and Torchwood fandom, nothing is certain, especially time. Linear time? Pshaw! We laugh at the idea.
Tags: Janto, Character Death, Doctor, Action/Adventure
Long Fic
A Companion's Companion by
ximeria Summary: MUST READ Similar premise to It Didn't Start Like this (linked above) but this time its its both Ianto and Jack who get tangled up in the Doctor's adventures in the episode Christmas Invasion. As always Jack can't help himself faced with the gorgeous Ianto..There's a 2nd part of this and well-worth the read.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Rose, Companion!Ianto, Episode: DW Christmas Invasion
A Most Unconventional Courtship by
laligin Summary: MUST READ Absolute gem! A perfect little tribute to Strong!Ianto, who's independent, kick-arse, smart and sometimes terrifyingly devious. Ianto travels on his own, no help from the benevolent Doctor or any rift-incidents. Just his smarts and some blackmail material. The fact that the whole fic is interspersed with little paragraphs from a Mills and Boon Historical Romance novel is just too good for words.
Tags: Janto, Strong!Ianto, Crack,
A Trip In The TARDIS by
laytoncolt Summary: I've recced this in the Immortal!Ianto list already but it deserves a mention here. Because we love the Ianto, Jack and Doctor dynamic. A little bit of Action/Adventure to counterbalance the fluff and smut of the fandom.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Long Life, Companion!Ianto
A Ray, Turned Back
All The Dishes Rattle In The Cupboard by
out_there Summary: "Five ways Ianto Jones might meet the Doctor, in chronological order", a very diverse and well written look at Ianto meeting the Doctor, always for the first time, always with a different gamut of emotion. Its not really Ianto travelling either but this fic involves timetravel a great deal.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Martha, Strong!Ianto
Ashes To Flames by
ivegotthemusic Summary: Recced this already in the Alien!Ianto list, but its got to be here as well because we see a Future Ianto, a hinted legend of the future, part of a matched set that would revolutionize history. All just hinted mind you. We all need to beg the author for a sequel.
Tags: Janto, Future Jack and Ianto, Creature!Ianto
Carnival Show by
sam_storyteller Summary: MUST READ Normally I would not read anything that's formatted like a script, but this is Sam and we like whatever he writes. Gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised. I forgot the format as soon as I started. I love fics with Other Jacks, Other Jacks that still can't help themselves around Ianto (who could?). This retelling of Out of The Rain is perfect. I'm officially taping over the entire episode and replacing it with this.
Tags: Janto, Other Jack, Rift Accident, Episode: TW Out of The Rain
Chocolate Mousse Sandwich by
tanarian Summary: MUST READ *Fans self* Oh my...a scorching little fic involving a threesome, chocolate and amphrodisiacs.
Tags: Janto, Jack/Ianto/10, Smut, Companion!Ianto
Flotsam and Jetsam by
ru_salki99 Summary: MUST READ I have read this one 3 times now, its that good. AU in which Ianto is really from the 1950's who slipped through the rift to 2008 instead of John, in the Season 1 episode Out of Time. Fantastic fic, well written and plausible, if a little fluffy. I love how Ianto acclimates himself to a new era seamlessly, staying competent and useful. Be sure to read the prequel below.
Tags: Janto, Strong!Ianto, Rift Accident, Torchwood pre series, Episode: TW Out of Time
Forbidden by
ru_salki99 Summary: MUST READ This is the prequel to Flotsam and Jetsam, of Ianto and Jack's life in the 50's. A very good Ianto-with-a-family fic.
Tags: Janto, First time, Strong!Ianto, Family
Le Voyageur Et Son Guide by
gersteakknife Summary: MUST READ A fabulous fic for those who love a little bit of 10/Ianto, though it also has a little bit of Janto in it. This fic is all about Ianto's adventures as the Doctor's companion and lover (yes, you read that right). Its worth reading if only for the embarassing episode in Donna's couch.
Tags: 10/Ianto, Janto, Donna, Jack, Companion!Ianto
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit by
derryderrydown Summary: MUST READ Ianto finds himself with Jack in the trenches of the Great War without memories of how he got there or a clear picture of who he is. I love love love this fic. And of course we have another Other Jack who can't keep his hands off our gorgeous Ianto. The scene where Jack confronts himself made me go "Oh noes! Paradox! Teh universe gonna implode nao!" but obviously the author just went pfft! when she was writing this.
Tags: Janto, Other Jack, Smut, Rift Accident
Non Linear by
misswinterhill Summary: MUST READ I cannot reccommend this enough. This deserves a place here because Jack and Ianto do travel in space and time with the Doctor and live linear lives in some parts of their eternity together. An absolute diamond of a fic. If you've still not read it, go do it NOW!
Tags: Janto, Immortal!Ianto, Domestics, Strong!Ianto, Doctor, Face of Boe
Paradoxes, Pashing and Parenthood by
misswinterhill Summary: MUST READ Its misswinterhill, of course its gonna have domestics and fluff. But she writes it sooo well *Adores*. In this Jack finds his Other self in bed with Ianto. The Other self obviously can't help himself, as per usual and this results with unexpected consequences. A fantastic fic which is made that little more brilliant by a freaked-out Owen (Lolz). Again its not Ianto travelling but Timetravel is a major theme in this.
Tags: Janto, Mpreg, Domestic
Reach Out And Touch Someone by
tanarian Summary: MUST READ Next to Non Linear, this has got to be my 2nd most favourite Janto fic of all time. I've read it over and over and over. And its Tanarian, thats all you need to know, go read.
Tags: Janto, Strong!Ianto, Phones!Pron, Body Swap, Doctor, Martha, Apocafic, Boss!Ianto
Secret Admirer by
christine_twfan Summary: Sequel to Unfixed wishes. A fic that never fails to tug my heart. It deserves to be here by virtue of the voyeuristic look at Ianto's life throughout the years.
Tags: Janto, Domestic, Other Jack
Suspension by
plotbunniesinc Summary: MUST READ Post Cyberwoman, a fantastic fic about Ianto waking up one day in an alternate world where he died in Torchwood 1 with an intrigue thrown in the pot. Fabulous and well-written, it also has that edge for having a proper happy ending where everyone gets what they want.
Tags: Janto, Episode: TW Cyberwoman, Other Jack, Alien Artifact, Alternate Universe
The Windhovers: The Fledgeling by
sarcasticchick Summary: MUST READ Sequel to The Windhovers. Ianto finds out who he is and where he comes from with the help of the Doctor. I loved Ianto's reaction to the Doctor and Jack freaking out. Its a fantastic fic from a fantastic author. We are promised more from this universe and I can't wait!
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Creature!Ianto
The Mirror In The Morgue by
clarity_lore Summary: MUST READ Plot heavy but still hot. Very well written Other Jack confronted with the gorgeous Ianto (of coure sexing gets involved) I just love the image of Ianto living the life of a 19th Century undertaker and professional mourner. If that doesn't reel you in, the fact that Ianto is written as such a strong and enduring character should.
Tags: Janto, Other Jack, Alien Artifact, Strong!Ianto
'Til The Morning Comes by
pinkfairy727 Summary: MUST READ Dear God! This fic breaks my heart. Throughout time, throughout Jack's eternity, there is Ianto, giving him some relief and unconditional love through the ages. With a little help from Tosh and Hart of course.
Tags: Janto, Fluff, Angst, Alien Artifact
Timelords and Teaboys +
Further Adventures by
not_rude_ginger Summary: Ianto as the Doctor's son? Wheee! The one to read is really the drabbles, the timetravel adventures of Ianto...an absolute riot interspersed with fabulous Ianto/Doctor, father-son bonding.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Timelord!Ianto, Action Adventure
Time and Desire by
tanarian Summary: MUST READ Insanely hot Janto fic in which Jack finds himself in a gay club needing help. A fantastic twist in the end.
Tags: Janto
Touching The Void by
calavarna Summary: MUST READ Ianto has a rift related accident and ends up in the hands of another Jack (who predictably can't keep his hands to himself) A fairly plotty fic with an absolutely sparkling characterisation. The ending is at once happy and gut-wrenching. Anyone who professes to love Janto must read this by default because it is that good.
Tags: Janto, Other Jack, Rift Accident, War-time, Smut
Tryst by
rallalon Summary: MUST READ Not strictly Ianto travelling but close enough since timetravel is a major plot device. This fic left my heart aching, this is why I seek out Immortal!Ianto fics.
Tags: Janto, Smut, Angst
Unfixed Wishes by
christine_twfan Summary: MUST READ Tissue alert, this fic is utterly gut-wrenching, so good yet so tragic. I loved it . I wonder if I was in the same position as Ianto, I would do the same selfless thing. Unconditional love is always beautiful and compliments to christine for writing it so fabulously and for giving this idea life. Sequel is Secret Admirer recced above.
Tags: Janto, Alien Artifact, Future Jack
Long Series
Change The World by
gracie_musica Summary: Already recced this fic in Timelord!Ianto list, but it deserves a place here since Jack and Ianto do travel with the Doctor.
Tags: Janto, Doctor, Mpreg, Strong!Ianto, Timelord!Ianto
In Between and All Over Again by
skellerbvvt Summary: WIP MUST READ A fantastic AU fic with Ianto joining 9th and Rose through space and time. Basically skeller's rewriting Season 1 of Doctor Who and dumping Ianto in the middle of it. Obviously he whips everyone to shape (because he's Ianto). A fabulous fic that needs to be updated soon-ish!
Tags: Gen, Season 1 Doctor Who, Doctor, Rose, Companion!Ianto, Strong!Ianto
Get Loved, Make More, Try To Stay Alive by
dsudis Summary: MUST READ One of my most favorite story. A plotty domestic that just goes on to grab your heart and shake it to the fondation. I cried and cried when Ianto had to say goodbye. This fic is destined to be a fandom classic. Don't be deceived by the Mpreg warning, this is just SO much more.
Tags: Janto, Strong!Ianto, Doctor, Martha, Indy, Domestic, Mpreg, Epic, Happy Ending
Parts Of The Process by
asrai99 Summary: MUST READ What can I say about this fic that hasn't already been said. This is a serious TW fandom classic which twist hearts and churn the stomachs of all who read it. If you are a bona-fide Ianto fan, read it, at least once. Its fabulously written, deeply plotted and well thought out. You may not like where it is heading at some point of the fic but be assured that asrai is a benevolent demi-god who will lead us back into salvation (ie. Janto sexing)
Tags: Janto, Arsehole!Jack, Companion!Ianto, Strong!Ianto, Time Agent!Ianto, Ianto/Others, Jack/Others
Shades Of Ianto by
sarcasticchick Summary: MUST READ The Ultimate Epic Of Doom. If you've not read it yet, you're probably not a Ianto fan. This is a certified fandom classic and one of my very favourites. This is an 'Oh My Fucking God' kind of fic. READ IT. Ianto doesn't strictly timetravel but it is one of the major theme in the fic.
Tags: Janto, Strong!Ianto, Epic, Family
The Wizard by
gwiwer_goch Summary: WIP This series is just getting started but is shaping up to probably be the ultimate Companion!Ianto fanfiction. Tags: Gen for now, Ianto/10, Janto, Companion!Ianto, Action/Adventure