The above subject line is how my girlfriend and I refer to sexy Jon Hamm -- "Jon Hamm's John Ham" -- after his hilarious appearance on a Saturday Night Live faux commercial advertising ham you can eat in the bathroom.
In other news, we also call Jensen Ackles "Jam Spackles." It's a thing.
stupid network AMC can't seem to come to a monetary agreement with Mad Men studio Lionsgate, and as of right now the fifth season premiere of the boozy, adulterous, swingin' '60s drama is being pushed back to 2012. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Or, more precisely,
UGH. The fourth season was the standout thus far for the series, with Don Draper's sort-of redemption, his tangled life as a divorced father of three, and his dalliance with women high and low.
When I first wrote about this show, it took me a long time to get used to the very '60s way it was written, especially when it came to the outright misogyny that was common back then. Don Draper was a cad and a cheater. But he kind of grew on me, not just because Jon Hamm is nice on the eyes, but because Don Draper does exhibit some corrective behavior now and again, enough to make me not hate him.
Now with all this crap about money we have to wait even longer to find out what happens. *sigh* This displeases me.