
Mar 29, 2010 16:07

On Friday the SyFy Channel had a Caprica marathon that led up the season finale, so I sat and watched half of it, and taped the other half. I just finished watching it.

I was reluctant to try it at first because: no space battles! No Cylons (well, the ones we know anyway)! No Final Five! No awesome Gaius Baltar and his head Six! No Gaeta! And no Starbuck! I also sort of dislike Esai Morales as an actor. I thus never watched any of it.

Of course I should have realized that this was made by the people who made Battlestar Galactica, which meant I was stupid and it was fantastic and awesome. Duh. Well, I could pass on Esai Morales, but whatever.

Although I did love the sci-fi part of BSG, I loved the internal conflicts and parallels to our own society a lot more. Religion, terrorism, social and moral corruption, racism, classism, technology, group marriage, and a freakin' gay gangster made this show a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

You can read summaries of what the show is about everywhere; it's a bit too complicated to get into here. But if you haven't tried it, I would definitely recommend it. You don't even need to know anything about BSG to enjoy it, either. It's set 50 years before that show.

And while I'm on the subject of sci-fi, a reminder for those of you who've been watching the new iteration of V: it returns tomorrow night at 10 p.m. on ABC.

bsg, tv chatter

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