I had to DVR both The Closer and Heroes last night at the same time, which meant I couldn't watch HBO OnDemand to see the season finale of The Wire like I wanted because my cable box refused. Stupid cable box. Doesn't Comcast realize I'd love a DVR that recorded up to four shows at the same time? Hello, TV whore over here.
Instead, I continued listening to my Lee-read "Touching Spirit Bear" audio book (which I had to buy a cassette recorder for, for Pete's sake). I was cooking dinner while I did it, and the depth of my obsession is readily apparent when I admit to asking Lee to wait a moment as I pressed pause on the machine to check my cooking rice. Heh. He and I converse all the time: "Lee, hang on, I gotta pee"; "Wait, what did you say, Lee?"; "Read that part again, Lee."
I didn't have time this weekend, but I promise to find a way to make MP3s of some of his acting. I love the way he does women. And I love his accent.
Continuing in this vein, I ordered
Meloni reading an audio book too, because it's about the Mafia. Hee, accents! I can't wait. At least this one is on CD.
In related Lee news, Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning is coming out on DVD January 16. Now you can watch Lee get chopped up in slo-mo if you'd like! Heh. You can see the New Line Home Video flyer touting the release (exclusive! I downloaded it from their business site, shhh) over at
lee_love In writing news, I'm half-way through finished! with my "Silver Bells and Gold Shields" Christmas story (and I just had to edit that because my mind keeps telling me it's Silver Balls) for
tietuckluv; I have yet to start the
oz_magi one; and the Smile series is on hold because of these two stories. Luckily, SVU is in repeats through the end of December, maybe longer, so I'll be able to catch up with Tobias, Elliot, and the kissing incident with Dani.