Jul 22, 2009 10:46

So I'm finally home. Passed out in my own bed without even managing to change into PJs first after getting home around midnight. Came home to delighted snuggles from my kitten, and hugs and a delicious chocolate... thing from Japan from my mother. I've never been so happy to be home after a con. It's probably to do with the fact that while the con was awesome, traveling to and from was wretched, due to illness and failing GPS and poor driving conditions and such. But I'm hooooome and i have my kitten to snuggle and presents from Japan once Mum finishes sorting them out.

Health-wise, am feeling slightly better... My voice is still scratchy and bad, and my head is still all stuffy, but I'm not really coughing to the point of nearly blacking out as often as I was yesterday. I do, however, have a weird bumpy rash-thing on my arms, legs, and stomach. I noticed it Monday morning on the back of my right arm above my elbow, and since then it's shown up on my right wrist, the inside of my left arm, my left shin, my right ankle, and my stomach. It itches sometimes but mostly just sits there looking pinkish red and bumpy. IT'S SLIGHTLY DISCONCERTING and I don't have insurance so I can't go to the doctor to have it looked at :| Any doctor-y types on the FList have any ideas?

I've got work from 4-9:30 tonight and am not sure if I should go. I mean, I shouldn't call out after being on vacation for a week, but. idkkkkk, sick.

kitten_of_rain and biztheinsane are passed out in my guest room still. I should probably go poke my head in to see if either of them are awake and just not getting up and see if they want breakfast or anything. Biz is headed home once we unload our shit from her car, and I'm driving Kiki to the airport (or... something) tomorrow evening. Am definitely going to demand she come hang out with me again sometime, because she is adorable and awesome and fun. ♥

Going to laze about on the couch for a bit now. ♥

cons: otakon, day in the life, sick

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