Jun 19, 2005 16:57
I came out to my mother on Sunday.
I kind of had a mini breakdown and told her that I was gay. I have come to the point in my life where I am sick of hiding who I am and it is time to face the music and tell those that are important to me. At first when I told her she looked shocked. She almost couldn't believe it. She said that she had no idea. Her first thought was that maybe I needed someone to talk to about it and possibly needed counseling. Perhaps I was just confused? I told her that this is something that I have been coming to terms with over the last 12 years. I told her that this was very hard for me to come out (no pun intended) and tell her this. She is the one person in my life that I found the hardest to tell. I wasn't sure that there was any hope. I assumed that it was going well because she didn't tell me to get the hell out of her house or anything. Then finally I heard some hope at the end of the tunnel. She said that she knows and believes that being gay is something that you are born with. She still was almost dumbfounded to the fact that she didn't ever catch on to any of the clues that I might have been gay. I told her that I didn't expect her to accept it over night. I told her that she could talk to any of my friends or my aunt about it. Also she has two friends that are a lesbian couple that I am sure would be more than open to discussing it with her. I hope that she does follow up with them and talk with these people about the things she wouldn't want to discuss with me. You would think that I would be relieved, but now I am worried about her. Guess we will see what time will tell.