Alas all good things come to an end.
If you had of mentioned that to me during the years my life was ruled by the TV guide, my favourite take away menu, and my obsession with comics I would have looked aghast at you. Like those TV shows and those comics and even my favourite restaurant closing down its time for this journal to come to an end.
I remember setting this journal up when I first got home internet, that dodgy dial up which seems to curse me to this very day. I remember the excitement of choosing my first layout and adding the journals I used to read religiously. It's funny how so many of those journals and the people associated with them don’t even figure to me any more. I remember being inducted to fandom amidst so many amateur dramatics. I remember the explosion of fandom_wank and the interwebs inability to laugh at its self.
And like most of these experiences its time for this to one end. My entries will be friends locked for any one who want to read over them. While my new and improved Journal can be found in
this entry.
Tank you for reading and Good Night.