Title: A certain combination of circumstances
otterandterrier Prompt: Unlucky
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Notes: I don't think Hermione believes in luck. At least not in the common sense. But for me (and maybe she shares my view), luck is a more or less fortunate combination of circumstances.
Harry said it; Ginny said it; my parents said it; even George, from whom I couldn't hide anything, said it. You can do it. That's what they said. And here I am. Trying.
I have at least fifty different speeches, but I know they'll all vanish as Leprechaun's coins the moment I look at her. It's happened before; I try too hard and end up saying lots of rubbish. Spontaneous, nice rubbish, though.
Now she's here, smiling.
'I'll give this dress a last chance; it's brought me very bad luck in the past-'
Not tonight.
'Will you marry me?'