Title: There's no match
otterandterrier Prompt: Technology
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None
Notes: I realize I used a lot of even's... Never mind, I was just happy to be writing again as to care too much.
'These are a lot of tellies...'
'Nice remark,' Hermione said, amused.
'I mean, it's a bit... It's scary, actually,' Ron observed, looking at the dozens of moving figures all around.
'Why is it different from moving photographs, or even the radio?'
'I don't know...' Ron frowned.
'Even communication through the Floo Network is similar-'
'I know, but for example, these moov things...'
'Right. People acts, and it's not even a play.'
'Mhm. Do you still want to get one? I've never been a fan of TV, anyway.'
'Do they have Quidditch?'
'No. Let's go get a new wireless.'