Title: Laundry
otterandterrierPrompt: Knickers
Rating: PG
Word Count (should be 100 words exactly): 100
Warnings: None
Notes: I couldn't think of anyhing with 'knickers', until I whined about it. Just after that, I came up with this. Amazing how inspiration works, uh? DH, by the way. But you'll know that.
'Hermione, you didn't have to wash my underwear...'
'What?' she replied, without looking up from the books she was sorting out.
'That you didn't have to, my Mum does the washing.'
'I needed to pack, Ron; your mum doesn't want us to leave... Why is it such a big deal, anyway?'
'I didn't want you to wash my pants, that's it. What would you think if I washed your knickers?'
Her face was burning red, but she didn't look at me yet.
'Well, you could if you wanted to, I haven't packed them.'
I checked, and she was lying. Shame.