Jun 23, 2010 22:19
Title: Naughty, Knotty!
Author: loonynamelass
Prompt: Rain
Rating: PG …very very mostly
Word Count: 100
Warnings: None.
Notes: No particular sequential significance. Perhaps the sudden self-consciousness is Hermione's version of a midlife crisis. A little lesson on self-esteem, and those husbands always know what to say. (sensing my sarcasm?) Oh, and there are puns. I love puns! FUN PUNS! Want to find some?... Oh, and sorry this is so late. I wrote it a while ago but totally forgot to upload it! *sheepish grin*
Hermione's hair was bushy.
No Kidding.
Sometimes, Ron joked that he lost his wife.
Not Funny.
Sometimes, George bewitched birds to nest.
Again, Unamusing. Especially with bird droppings. (Thank Merlin for Scourgify!)
The only change occurred in precipitation (or showering), and it became stringy, sticky... Rain/shower kissing was doubly sweet- Ron thought she was romantic/sexy, but t'was only the unbushy feeling.
They tried, "You rock 'bushy!'" and "Ron wouldn't date someone ugly", but vainly.
So still she showered and prayed for rain.
Finally, t'was Ron with the winning reassurance: "At least it's not greasy like Snape's!"
Slap! is just that satisfying.
author: loonynamelass