Jan 26, 2007 09:49
I think we should just start calling it "The Style of Jadeling's FList" by now, we all copy her so much.
I am off work today for a stock show. I was also off work yesterday because of said stock show.
Dear Devine,
Love, Rhowan
The best part was earlier this week when I referred to it as "that stupid stock" and some other teacher who barely knows me overheard and started yelling and Bert was all "Don't mind her, she's just bitter about losing class time because her students don't practice" and pushed me into the bandhall and then stayed outside to talk to her for a few minutes and distract her. Bert = my hero.
Stephanie: Mrs. Manion, so, can I ask you about the rumor about you?
Rhowan: Psh, yeah, right. Sure, go ahead. *totally does not believe there is a rumor about me, and Stephanie likes to mess with me*
Stephanie: Why did you come to work here? I mean, why did they hire YOU?
Rhowan: ....er...I was the best one for the job?
Stephanie: Because I heard that you were hired to teach the woodwinds,
Rhowan: *nods*
Stephanie: be the assistant director at the middle school,
Rhowan: *nods*
Stephanie: and be a sort of counselor type person for us.
Steven: She's not really very sympathetic, is she?
Rhowan: *laughs*
In other news, I have Ghiradelli coffee, and its supposed to be chocolate caramel flavored, and I don't know so much about THAT, but it is quite delicious. In other OTHER news, the big convention for band nerds music teachers is coming up, and it happens in San Antonio yay, and so I've recently been in contact with lots of my friends from college. This is happy and sad. OH and also, at our staff meeting on Wednesday they mentioned (and attempted casualness) about this thing called Elevator that apparently teenagers are doing now, and I was like, the only one in the room who hadn't heard of it (which is especially odd since I'm the youngest person there by almost a decade), and I was sitting there having to try very hard to not be SQUICKED OUT AND HAVE A BREAKDOWN. So, if any of you kids on my flist know what that is: don't let other kids choke you. It can cause seizures and stroke.
I am not even joking, is the horrid part. AND NOW I'M ALL UNCOMFORTABLE AND DISTURBED AGAIN SO MOVING ON.
Can someone help me? I need to put up the voting for the layout contest and we have some entries but there are references to who made them on the screenshots. So I need someone with a graphics program to blurry them? Please? It would need to be someone who doesn't care about voting on the layout. (Also....I shall miss the old layout, and not just because it was blue, but because it is THE BEST LAYOUT EVAR OMG SO PRETTEH!)
I don't know. :-/
Burning X
Has anyone heard anything from the Emu Kid? *frets* Also, Jacob is cute and I think Jade should write a fic wherein he actually has letters on his forehead, kthnx.
Making up new lyrics to songs since c. 1987,
x men,
story time with rhowanface,