
Jun 09, 2004 13:37

The Elmwood Building is absolutely freezing. And I didn't bring my jacket because it's pretty warm outside and I didn't think I'd need it. So I'm sitting here in a T-shirt, freezing to death. At least I didn't change into shorts and sandals like I was thinking of doing, so my legs are warm.

A summary of various things I ought to have mentioned before:

- My dad got fired from the NIE. This was *thinks* around the middle of last month. The bitches were complaining that the new barrier wasn't being lifted quick enough and then was dropping down on top of their precious cars. Bah! Dad told them when they were putting the barrier in that he couldn't see if there was anyone waiting at it, and its coming down isn't controlled by Dad, it just happens automatically. Dad didn't like it there anyway. They were always moaning about something. It's totally their loss. He's working at Northbrook now, and at various points along this new gas pipeline they're laying from Larne to Londonderry, and he's much happier. All the farmers come out and gossip with him about the pipeline! :)

- Mark is no longer going to the Himalayas. For whatever reason, it got called off. He's now going to Patagonia; it's some region in South America that covers parts of Chile and Argentina. They're not going to hire porters, so this time they're going to have to carry everything themselves and Mark's on this whole "Argh I am so unfit, I must get fit!" thing.

- Amy's teacher, Mrs Brownlow, is leaving. Which is kind of a good thing - we all had her at one stage or another, and she's not a good teacher - and kind of a bad thing - Amy's preparing for the transfer test and getting a new teacher is a pretty big upheaval at this important stage.

- Joanna is going away next week on an Outward Bound course to the Lake District, paid for by Hilton Hotels. I tell her that she's getting to play around with part of Paris and Nicole's inheritance! Then, after the Outward Bound trip, she's away to Malta for a week.

- Pamela has got herself a house in Ballymena, but her survey isn't through yet. Dee and Clive (her boyfriend) have also got a house. Joanna and Linda found a place to rent in Hilden, and I have a place in the postgrad accommodation and will be able to sub-let in Mark's house over the summer, but ONLY if Philip moves in with me, which I think he will because Derryvolgie is pretty expensive over the holidays. Philip got a summer job at the Co-op on the Lisburn Road, so he will be in Belfast over the summer.

- Recently, I have had very vivid dreams almost every night. I can't remember what all of them were about, but they usually involved a building where lots of people lived, or some kind of community or organisation. Sometimes I was in the dreams, sometimes I wasn't. In one that I can remember, there was a police force that looks after love - you know, makes sure that the right couples get together, prevent break-ups and crimes against romance. There were two cops, Glorfindel and... I think the other one's name was Liberty. Anyway, they were in love with each other, but they weren't supposed to get together because it would interfere with their work. They weren't regular partners (in the business sense of the word), but they did work together occasionally. I can't remember which one was male and which was female. I think Liberty was male. And isn't Glorfindel the name of an elf in "Lord of the Rings"?

Last night's dream involved moving into university halls, which were near a beach, and it involved Naomi, a girl I used to go to school with, driving a car at breakneck speed up a street which was being dug up by road workers and was blocked off with heavy vehicles and pipes. I think I also saw grown-up versions of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Then, as I got closer to waking up, I dreamed about Bobby Goren, from "Law and Order: Criminal Intent". He was approaching his apartment door and he realised that it had been broken into. He went in and found the place in rather a mess, with toast crumbs on the kitchen bench. Then he went into the bedroom and there was someone in his bed!!! So he pulled out his gun, went over to the bed and pulled back the covers a little, and found - me, asleep, in his bed! I'm some homeless person, and I broke into his apartment to get some food and a bath and a decent sleep. Anyway, the dream was supposed to go on with him pointing the gun at me, yelling to wake me up, and I jump up in bed and he arrests me, but by then I was getting conscious, so I wasn't dreaming any more, I was playing out a story in my head. I do that quite a bit. I know how my dreams are supposed to go on so I keep on imagining them even after I've come to, except that I keep replaying the same set piece over and over, revising and improving it, rather than the story/dream progressing any further.

I had another dream about Goren and me, the night before last. I was a professional gospel singer, travelling from church to church, giving performances. I was an abandoned child who had been brought up in a strict religious community, run by this sadistic woman who physically abused me. Then my agent also sexually abused me, and he pimped me to various friends and perverts on the circuit, so I was terrified of men. I especially didn't like having them in my dressing room, because if they insisted on coming into my dressing room and staying there, that was the sign that I was supposed to sleep with them. I suppose there must have been a murder at one of my performances because Goren and Eames came round to question me. I let Eames into my dressing room and then politely asked that Goren and my agent (who was also there, along with Mrs Sadistic) stand in the doorway. My excuse was that the dressing room was too small to take all of us at once, but Goren figured out that it was because I was uncomfortable with him being in the room. He didn't know about the pimping or the abuse, however, but he did witness, at a distance, my agent introducing me to a man he wanted me to sleep with, and he spoke with Mrs Sadistic and noted how stiff and cold she was. So he deliberately came to me in my dressing room when I was completely alone. I tried to get him to go for a walk with me, but he pushed me back down into my seat and shut the door. He was questioning me, trying to get into my head, but he still hadn't put the pieces together and realised what was going on. I was shaking and staring at myself in the mirror, my fists clenched. I didn't know that Goren didn't know; I thought that my agent had sent him, so at some stage I broke and whispered, "Ok. How do you want me?" Goren looked at me in the mirror, completely taken by surprise and not knowing what I was talking about, but I went on, did he want me on the floor, or to take me from behind, and... I think I started unbuttoning my top. By this stage, a glimmer of understanding came to Goren and he was horrified. He hurriedly stopped me from going any further. Anyway, I started becoming conscious then, so I can only surmise that Goren would have encouraged me to spill the beans on the whole deal.

Anyway, must go now, I need to do work and get this extra section for my sample chapter done. And also I'm hungry. Oh, and it's warmed up somewhat in here.

PS. Hello, hadrielkq!

work, househunt, dream a little dream, tv, friends, family, holidays, housemates, well that's weird

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