A little treat

Nov 24, 2008 21:26

Who: Rhodya and Fiorella
Where: Kitchens, Fort Weyr
When: 11-27-2008
What: Sneaking in a late night snack from the kitchens, Rhodya encounters Fiorella for the second time. (Log of the first time to be added later.)

Late in the evening, the kitchens are quiet, but not yet empty. Thank goodness for that. "Can't tell ya how much I appreciate this," Rhodya is telling one of the kitchen workers, holding up a frosty little treat she just got hold of. "Eh, don't worry about it," the young girl tells her, waving off the thanks with a smile. "We've got lots of them. Got to get rid of it somehow, right? Enjoy." With a quick wave, the girl goes back to work, leaving Rhodya with a

Fiorella should perhaps be in bed already at this time, or at very least on her way there. But rather voices in the kitchen catch her attention and the girl detours on her path to peek through the doorway, cautiously least she get caught.

Rhodya's pretty happy with her after-dinner snack, but she's also quick to get bored with no one to talk to. After all, the kitchen workers are busy. So her gaze wanders around the room, and she catches the cautious shape that is Fiorella creeping up to the door. "Hey there," she calls out. "You lookin' for somebody?"

Fiorella squeaks, jumping back up against the frame of the door as she's caught before taking a hesitant step back out towards the woman who spoke. "No.. not really. I just heard people talking is all." She was curious in other words. "I didn't mean to bother you.." Might as well be friendly since she's not being yelled at. A few steps closer and its clear that she is dressed for bed already, "I remember you..."

Rhodya bobs her head, recognizing the girl in turn. "Yeah, that's right. Fiorella, wasn't it? You ain't botherin' me. I'm just sneaking a little treat in." Which, uh. Which a little girl shouldn't have before bedtime, as Rhodya checks a motion to push the tray of goodies towards Fiorella. Instead, she pulls them protectively towards herself.

Fiorella nods slowly, "Can just call me Ella though." she notes, "You were from Nerat. Right? And it was... Rhonda? No.." the girl furrows her brow as she tries to remember. She's close, that much she's sure of. There is a curious peek given the treat though. Hmm, what's that?

The treat in Rhodya's hand looks like some kind of tiny cake, with that same flaky texture covered by a layer of frosting. It must be pretty good, too, to judge by how quickly she's eating it. "You got more important things to fit in your head than who I am and all," Rhodya answers, chuckling. "You're darn close, though. Rhodya, from Igen Weyr."

Fiorella bobs her head, "Right. I guess so." she agrees, "And I met alot of new people the last couple days. We were at the hatching at Ista. My sister was a candidate." the girl explains as if that were reason enough for not being right on with the name. "What do you have there?" she finally asks the nagging question of what sort of treat is being eaten.

"That right?" Rhodya asks, lifting a brow. But she's briefly derailed by a question about her treat, which prompts her to look guiltily at the little thing. "I think they called it a pettifore or something. I never heard of it." But a more savvy person might recognize it as a petit four. She gives it a little waggle before tucking the last bite into her mouth. "So you were at the Hatching, too, huh? I went with my Papa. How'd your sister do?"

Fiorella giggles. "Petit four?" she half questions the woman's pronunciation of the word. "I haven't had one of those in such a long time." the girl gives a wistful sigh, but then it might not have been quite as long as she makes it sound. Children, after all, have a way of exaggerating things. There's a nod about the hatching however, "Yep, T'rev had a rest day so he took me to the beach and we were just sitting down when it started so we had to rush to get there even though we were already at Ista. She did alright. She didn't impress this time, but she wasn't hurt bad either."

Rhodya laughs, only slightly abashed by her complete failure to get that name right. "You Fortians sure do got weird-sounding sweets. Never had one o' these before," she explains, patting her stomach, into which the petit four has disappeared. "They are good, though." Not that Fiorella gets to have any: Rhodya's still keeping that tin of sweets under guard. "Sorry to hear your sis didn't Impress, but hey, maybe in another clutch, ya know? Weren't no gold this time, f'rexample." She winks.

Fiorella lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "I don't know, we used to have them sometimes back at home." she replies in regards to the sweets. There's another shrug about her sister, "Maybe. I'm kind of happy she didn't impress this time. Just means she has more time to visit me, and spend time with me when I visit her." As for golds, the thought is given a little wrinkle of her nose though nothing is said.

Noticing that little nose wrinkle, Rhodya pops a brow. A little girl who's not excited about gold dragons, how rare. "I always liked the cold treats back in Igen. Nothin' like a hard day in the hot sun, then coming back for some smooth gelatto." Clasping her hands rapturously in front of her, she closes her eyes and shakes her head. Then peeks an eye open, lest she seem too far gone in her love of dessert. Rhodya clears her throat. "But a baby dragon'd suck up your time, that's for sure. 'Specially a gold one. Where're you and your sister from, then? Where's home?"

Fiorella nods. "That's what they say about them anyway." Baby dragons taking up lots of time. "We're from Four Sons Hold." she answers, the name being that of a minor hold not so very far from Fort.. "I should probably be heading for bed now though.." Fiorella reluctantly gives into her sleepiness, lifting a hand to politely cover a yawn that seems to come just in time to emphasis the fact that bed is calling her. "But I will see you later." she adds, sending the woman a smile before heading out of the kitchen and back to bed.


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