Meet n' greet

Nov 29, 2008 17:17

Who: Iesia, Fiorella, and Rhodya
Where: Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
When: 11-11-2008
What: Rhodya meets Iesia and Fiorella, and discovers that the former is a familiar face from Igen.

"Sure you could," but Iesia sounds very less definitive this time. It's more of a brush off. She shifts in her chair, rolling her shoulders again despite the awkwardness of her over-sized jacket. Her fingers unclasp, she reaches for her hides and slides them across the table towards her. "We only poke and prod so that we can make you feel *better*," is explained in a manner that attempts, but utterly fails at, being patient. As the afternoon crowd picks up, Iesia's able to flag down a passing kitchen girl to fetch her some wine. Being out of the way and all, it doesn't look as if the foreign woman wants to get up herself. Fort hospitality is being sorely abused.

Fiorella huffs. "Then how come I always feel worse after they make me go to the healers?" the girl asks from the other side of the table. Apparently Iesia is going to have to prove her point to this young one.

Add another foreign woman to the mix, but this one is at least wearing a Fortian knot, and she does get her own food. It's where to put her food that gives Rhodya pause, and the tall former-Igenite hesitates as she looks around the caverns. She's a sucker, in the end, for kids, and heads to Fiorella's table with a sunny smile already in place. "Mind if I sit here?" she asks Iesia, addressing her request to the elder who's in charge, but sending her smile to the kid who seems to be testing her patience.

A bland, annoyed look is give to Fiorella. "Because you're sick." That would be the 'duh' answer. The Healer's fingers twitch on her hides, and she idly glances at the top sheet. She barely gets two lines in before she's dismissing it again, pushing them to the *other* side this time. "However, I can almost guarantee that if you did *not* go, you would get progressively worse. And perhaps die." It's matter-of-factly said, no malice or threat. And then her wine is there, and Iesia looks a little better for it, reaching for that warmed glass just as Rhodya makes her way over. "Suit yourself," she tells her without looking up. "It's not *my* Weyr."

Fiorella sends a glance towards the newcomer, but being as she's not asked she doesn't answer, rather sending a huff towards the foreign healer. "You just said you make people feel better...." she tries to make her point. But there's more to the woman's commentary. "Don't say that!" she speaks the words loud and pointed suddenly on the verge of tears, it might seem. Die? Despite the lack of threat it just might have been taken in a way not meant.

Rhodya's just settling her tray next to Fiorella's seat when the girl suddenly becomes upset. It interrupts the thoughtful squint she'd been aiming at Iesia, transforming it abruptly into wide-eyed surprise. Sitting next to Fiorella, she feels obliged to try and offer some comfort, even though it wasn't her conversation. "I'm sure she didn't mean nothing by it." She likes kids, but nobody said she was good with them, and she shoots Iesia a desperately confused look. What exactly has she walked into here?

An eyebrow shoots skyward at Fiorella's reaction, Iesia looking mildly surprised by the outburst. It's enough surprise to make the Healer silent, lips pursed together as she watches the young girl carefully. Rhodya is given a glance, a distinct 'what do you want *me* to do?' sort of snort-y, irritated look. Hrmph. "Oh, calm down," says Iesia lifting her hand from her wine to flap it at Fiorella in a 'sit sit' motion. "Forget I said it," as if it was that easy. "I *do* make people feel better. But that doesn't mean they don't feel bad when the come to see me." A sigh, her wine glass resnagged, and Iesia takes a long, deep swallow.

Fiorella sniffles, calming yes, but still not exactly happy with the turn of events that go along with that one remark. "Not everyone gets better..." she says almost too quietly to be heard across the table. That said she pulls her gaze up enough to catch that of the healer. "But.. maybe healers aren't so bad." Maybe.

Rhodya shoots Fiorella a thoughtful look, but turns her gaze away before it can turn sympathetic. Oh, look, a sandwich. Now seems like a good time to be eating that. Chewing it gives her an excuse to keep silent and let Iesia patch up the conversation.

Fiorella is given a long, measuring look. There's no real sympathy there, but perhaps understanding. Low, her voice firm but respectful, she tells her, "No. Not always." She lingers with that somber, somewhat reminiscent expression before she seems to remember they are not alone at their table. Rhodya is given a flat, calculating look and a frank, "Who are you?"

A frown tugs at the corners of Fiorella's lips, but she staves it off just enough to keep it from being complete and rather the expression hovers in a flat line as she glances towards the healer. The woman's question to the other serves as enough of a distraction for the moment however and her green-eyed gaze finds Rhodya as well, awaiting an answer to the question already asked.

Rhodya hastily gulps down her sandwich and washes it down with a quick drink. "Oh, uhm, Rhodya. Sorry." She tugs the ends of her sleeves, awkwardly trying to make herself appear organized despite the fact that she just sat herself down in the middle of a private conversation and didn't even bother to introduce herself. "Just came in from Igen, kinda getting my bearings still, ya know? Uhm." She pops her mouth open to say something else, eyeing Iesia, but decides better of it and shuts up again. A smile aimed at Fiorella attempts to lessen the awkwardness.

Iesia is impervious to frowns. After her remark, she's more or less ignoring Fiorella's looks in favor of her wine and the new table-mate. Rhodya is given a slow, measuring once over until Igen is mentioned. Both of Iesia's eyebrows raise, and she pulls her chin up in a haughty sort of way. "Igen, hm? I was posted at Igen after walking the tables. Spent some time there." But if there is any recognition for Rhodya, Iesia doesn't show it. Perhaps she'd rather forget. "Iesia," she says by way of introducing herself. "Istan Healer." A head-bob towards Fiorella. "Fiorella. Of Fort."

"Pleased to meet you." Fiorella replies politely, a bob of her head directed at Rhodya as she forgoes introducing herself seeing as Iesia took the liberty of including her. "If you're from Igen, what is it that brings you to Fort?" the girl goes on to inquire, curiosity taking over once again.

"Me, too," Rhodya answers Fiorella. Her smile seems more genuine now that she's a little more at ease, and Iesia's haughty attitude does little to dent her newfound warmth. "Glad I get to meet somebody from Fort, I mean, aside from the folks I work with. Not that they aren't nice." She reaches for her glass, but doesn't drink from it. "I came here - I guess I came here 'cause I needed a break, hmm? Somethin' different." A dodgy answer, followed by one of those patronizing smiles adults give children when they're trying to cover up a topic. Rhodya tilts her drink at Iesia. "It's good meeting somebody from Igen, too. I /thought/ you looked familiar, but bein' new and all I'm always hoping somebody'll look familiar. Ya know?" Poor Iesia, not allowed to forget.

The weyrbrat has not escaped Iesia's attention, but the Healer's focus is definitely upon this new-yet-not face. Iesia is not fooled, if the lifted eyebrow and pointed stare are to be trusted. But it is not her place to point out a liar, not in a foreign Weyrs. Her silence is cold and indifferent, a sour look twisting her mouth unflatteringly at the recognition. "Oh. Yes, well. I suppose." But again, Iesia is not as ready to acknowledge Rhodya's familiarity. "I do not live here, however," and Iesia manages to suppress the 'thankfully', though it shows in her brief, humorless smirk.

Fiorella ohs. The answer, while not quite appeasing her, will have to do for now and she'll bite her tongue and not push further. Conversations that don't seem to be going anywhere however are not her thing and the girl leans forward in her chair, gaining a bit of hight as she raises on her knees rather than sitting back on her feet, to peer at the stack of hides in front of the healer - trying to catch a look at what they might be.

The withering stare works perfectly on Rhodya, dragging the life out of her smile. "Right, Istan Healer," she repeats softly. Luckily Fiorella is there as backup, whether she means to be or not, and the easy curiosity she exerts over Iesia's papers brings back Rhodya's boldness. "What's that you got?" She forces cheer back into her manner, and if the act's not quite perfect at the moment, well, the drink she takes right afterwards helps hide her expression.

Her wine is finished; the rest downed in two swallows. It's when she sets her glass down that Iesia switches from Rhodya to Fiorella, to find the weyrbrat practically crawling over the table towards her hides. Her.. hides... "Shards and shells!" And there are a few, more colorful words muttered under her breath as she stands and gathers her stack. "Completely forgot, you made me forget!" Oh, the injustice. "I have to go." And so she does, very quickly making her way through the Living Caverns and towards the bowl.

Fiorella just blinks at the sudden departure of the Istan healer. "I didn't mean to..." she comments, more to the air than the woman as she leaves in such a hurry. The settles back onto her feet, sending a glance towards the other remaining at her table. "I should probably go too though... I have chores soon. It was nice to meet you though.."

Rhodya's eyebrows shoot up at Iesia's sharp reaction to the hides. "Well," she drawls, "guess they were important." She's got a suspiciously thoughtful expression on her face, but it's wiped away by a smile when Fiorella excuses herself from the table. "O'course, don't want to keep you. Nice meetin' you, too." She sends the girl off with a little wave.

iesia, fiorella

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