Vidding Meme 2013

Dec 31, 2013 21:40

Vids posted in 2013
(Sorted by date of completion)

December 2012
A Combat in Tribute to You - Hero (2002)

Diamonds - Good Will Hunting
Va Va Voom - A League of Their Own

Scream & Shout - Assassin's Creed

Supremacy - James Bond

Previous years: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012

My favorite video this year (of my own):
Scream & Shout. Of all sources I vidded this past year, Assassin's Creed was the one I was most fannish about. (I still haven't gotten around to that pimp post...) That fannish aspect is what tips this vid over to being my favorite vid of my own for the year.

My least favorite video this year:
Va Va Voom. I still like this vid quite a bit, but it was sort of a last-minute decision to make this vid for Festivids and I think it shows.

Most successful video:
Supremacy. I think in terms of overall accessibility, this is the one that reached the widest audience this past year. Comments/hit counts are spread over too many places, so it's getting harder for me to gauge success in that fashion.

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Maybe Combat? Eh, I'm still pretty happy with the response that got, so maybe not.

Most fun video:
Scream & Shout. Britney, bitch!

Video with single sexiest moment:
Matt Damon hitting the three points of a triangle on "ecstasy" in Diamonds. Math is sexy, okay?

Or possibly the intercutting between the Bond/Silva scene and M at her computer. I kind of see that as M being an indirect voyeur there.

Biggest vid fail:
As proud of I am of Scream & Shout, it seemed bigger in my head than what actually ended up on the timeline. A big part of that was the Club Vivid deadline, so I didn't have time to get capture cleaner clips. There's a clip with a movement that took me HOURS to capture and yet it still bothers me that it's not exactly what I wanted.

Hardest video to make:
Scream & Shout. Playing video games without the heads-up display graphics is super tricky. I also fell off buildings a lot.

Most unintentionally telling video:
Supremacy? Apparently I had feelings about M I needed to share. I didn't set out to vid her when I first heard the song. I figured I'd be vidding a straight up action James Bond vid given that the song sounds like a James Bond theme. But the lyrics kept screaming "M" at me.

The things I've learned this year:
I'm super proud of really letting clips "breathe" this past year. It started with Combat and carried over into Supremacy in a big way. I enjoyed trying to see how long I could let clips linger, yet still have something visually appealing. I also liked trying out new-to-me things with motion. With vidding Scream & Shout, given video game nature of the source, I think it was pretty natural to utilize and connect similar character movements from the different games in the series. But then I started to do that with Supremacy which I really hadn't done before. It was fun to try to connect motion from unrelated scenes, e.g. Bond jumping off a truck and landing on a train.

For 2014:
I finished my Festivid assignment, so yay! I may or may not be working on a treat. Who knows? I have one sorta ambitious vid bunny for the coming year that I might aim for premiering at VividCon. It's not quite as ambitious as vidding a video game and capturing my own footage though. Beyond that, I don't have any super solid plans in terms of vids.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:

meme, vidding stuff

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