Dear Festividder

Oct 12, 2013 12:47

Dear Festividder,

Thank you so much for signing up to make a vid for me! I'll appreciate any kind of vid you can make for any one of the sources I requested.

The music suggestions I made are only suggestions, but I made them in case you need some direction. Otherwise, I'm open to any kind of music that you think will work for your vid. I've loved or made vids to songs I wouldn't normally listen to. I will say when it comes to vids, I tend to prefer songs with strong melodies and some sort of build.

General vidding preferences:
I love all kinds of vidding styles, from those with clean and straightforward cutting to those with fancy effects, and I'm open to any sort of genre from drama to comedy, romance to action, and everything in between. For Festivids, I'd like that your vid showcase the universe of the souce you choose, and be accessible to those who are unfamiliar with it. This might be easier with an overview vid, but if a character study or relationship vid is more your thing, I'd prefer that your vid have a sense of how those characters interact with the world around them.

Big (1988) [Movie] (Safety)
Music: Something upbeat
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Who could forget the piano scene in the toy store? I'd be thrilled with a vid that features Tom Hanks' performance in this movie.

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure/Bogus Journey [Movie]
Music: Open
Whoa. These movies are so ridiculous! If you need to narrow it down, I prefer the first movie over the second, but I'd love any vid that captures Bill and Ted's wacky hijinks.

The Crow: Stairway to Heaven [TV]
Music: Maybe 90's-00's alt rock
This is one of those shows that had so much promise at the end of its first and only season. It spins off from the original movie (the one with Brandon Lee), and goes off in a different direction. Eric Draven starts to seek redemption rather than revenge. Sadly, the show suffered from airing at odd and inconvenient hours. Anyway, an action-oriented overview could be so much fun. If a character study is more your thing, I'd be happy with that too. I'm especially fond of the three main characters Eric Draven, Daryl Albrecht, and Sarah Mohr.

The Heat (2013) [Movie] (Safety)
Music: Open
It'd been YEARS since I laughed so hard in a movie theater when I saw this. Sandra Bullock won me over with her role as the "straight woman" to Melissa McCarthy's hilarious character, and I'd love any vid that features these two.

Reign (2013) [TV]
Music: Perhaps a song with a folksy feel
I've only seen the first episode, but it's just SO PRETTY. Pretty people, costumes, and locations, along with decent motion and camerawork make for lovely vidding fodder, I think.

The Tomorrow People (1992) [TV]
Music: Open, perhaps 90's pop/pop rock
This is the 90's reboot (not the reboot currently airing) of the 70's series of the same name. An overview vid of this sci-fi show of my youth so that others can witness its adorable cheesiness would be fantastic. If the entire series is too much to tackle, my favorite storyline is "The Rameses Connection." (Wee Naomie Harris! Christopher Lee! Rollerblading/car chase!) This series is a bit harder to acquire, but I was able to get it on DVD from Amazon UK.

Warm Bodies [Movie] (Safety)
Music: Perhaps pop/pop punk
I had low expectations when I saw this movie in theaters. I'm so glad I went! I'd be happy with an overview vid for this movie. It's a zombie rom com!!

Wing Chun (1994) [Movie] (Safety)
Music: Something upbeat, maybe an instrumental
Four words: Michelle Yeoh and tofu. All kidding aside, your vid doesn't have to focus solely on that scene, but that's the one I remember most. Mostly, I'd love to see a vid that showcases Michelle Yeoh and all the jaw-dropping martial arts action.

Whatever you end up vidding, I hope you have fun. And again, thank you so much!

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:


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