Jan 27, 2009 16:52
So last night I stayed up lateish reading. The book was disturbing but good too. At least on first reading it was good. Whether it will be so upon second reading sometime in the future remains to be seen. But because I stayed up late, I didn't want to get up this morning. So I decided not to go into work. Then the creepyguy who lives downstairs called me and said "Are you going to work today?" And I was all, "uh...why?" because really, is he keeping tabs on me? He's an old fat dood who is retired and maybe lonely or something but I don't want to be friends. He asked if I wanted to go get lunch. I replied with a "I'm not feeling well" and that was that. But still weird as all getout. So I called the guy at work whose office is next to mine and told him I wasn't going to be there. He said he figured but that a lot of people weren't in and there were accidents and stuff. Me: from what?" Him: the snow. Me: It's snowing?? Lo and behold, it was snowing. Quite a lot in fact. So one more reason not to bestir myself out of the apartment.
I slept a bit, read a bit, slept a bit more, got a telemarketing call for the creepyguy downstairs (uh, what? What the hell is going on here? I looked it up and his number is NOTHING like mine. Our addresses are of course similar as we are in the same building but phone numbers--not at all), got a call from a friend who was all "We are doing movie night or videogame night or something. You are invited. Bring Lost Season 3." so I might go do that. I don't know yet. I am pretty satisfied camped out here in the apartment today. And that was my day today.
Can I say that I FUCKING HATE BANKERS AND POLITICIANS AND ANYONE HAVING TO DO WITH REAL ESTATE? Because of their greed, their stupidity, their corruptness, my savings account is earning approximately 0.5% interest a month. I might as well be eating my money because it is losing value sitting there. Unless we start a deflationary cycle. Which we would totally deserve after the completely and utterly stupid way we've been living and wallowing in borrowed money for the past 20 or so years. People living beyond their means, banks allowing and taking stupid risks, politicians rewarding this behavior...we are fucked. And we should be. But those who are prudent with their money shouldn't have to subsidize all those who were stupid. We should be able to kick the fuckers out of the country at off to space or something because they've proven they are stupid to live. Not that I am bitter. Not that a few years of watching HGTV and House Hunters where countless undeserving people went forth and purchased houses well above their means while I've been sitting in this dingy apartment for five years while the shit from Washington DC flowed down the river into our backyards. Nope, not bitter at all. And fuck the government for their stupid ass "stimulus" crap. What the hell? For all Obama's talk about getting us to sacrifice and do better, he sure isn't following through because borrowing even more money to keep the pigs floating in theri slops sure is a good way to start the sacrifices. How about cutting some of the crap out of Washington? How about making a few of the senators take some pay cuts. How about shooting a few of the Bank CEOs who are still raking in bonuses as they use taxpayer money to try to shovel their shit onto our backs?
Whew, that was a change in tone for a post. the only positive thing is that if I *do* decide to buy a house, housing in the area I am living in is so sluggish that the prices are falling every other week. There are even a few really decent looking places in my target price of $150,000-$180,000. There should be even more in a few months.
In other news, I watched the U.S. Figure Skating nationals. I hate NBC's commentator group (Terry Gannon, Dick Button how I miss you) and the skating itself was pretty uninspiring. I don't know if that is a product of the talent we have available or the code of points which punishes creativity pretty harshly. That said, if Johnny Weir mans up (or even adults up) and Mirai Nagasu finishes her puberty issues, those two are my favorites. Unless Michelle Kwan came out of retirment. All bets are off at that point.
DiscoveryChannelStore is having a sale. Supervolcano, my favoritest disaster movie is on sale. I want to get it but I can't decide if I should order it and be done or if I should get a few other DVDs while I am at it. Probably not because I might not watch them for a long time but "When We Left Earth" is supposed to be really good. ARGH. I need a computer to scan all DVDs in and then hook up to the TV so I can just pick and choose without having to switch out disks. Because I am *that* lazy.