It's hard to stop at "hypocrite."

Feb 25, 2009 06:45

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal accused the Democrats, in his response to Obama's speech, of "growing the government," and "saddling us with debt." He called them "irresponsible."

Which part of government did the Bush administration downsize? None. How much did they increase our debt? Tons. Would you call starting a war in Iraq, where there were no WMDs (guess we shouldn't have ignored the UN inspectors who TOLD US THAT), where Al Qaeda had no presence (the thing about Saddam being totalitarian is that didn't allow for religious extremism either), and where we had no reason to be, "responsible?"

There will always be partisan douchebags like Gov. Jindal. I'm used to it, and it's not going away. But if they want to talk shit, they should be dragged in front of a camera, made to answer these sort of questions, with no room for pontification, evasion, or refusal, and if they can't, or won't, or admit they were wrong, should be stripped of office immediately.

The country's in deep enough shit without some right wing jackass pretending Republicans are any better when they got us into this mess.
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