Post on authorial intent (along with other plans, e.g. RP) again derailed by a low-spoon day, a bit of an emergency here at home, and some news.
If you wanted to go find the Holocaust fic I mentioned the other day? It's now unlocked. With the author insisting that she shouldn't be called 'sick' or 'disrespectful'. (Report by
nestra here, via
Trigger and squick warning in effect.
I got nothing, regarding this. I really, really don't.
ETA: Except that clearly it's appropriate for me to write an epic Doctor/Jack fanfic set at
My Lai. After all, I have a degree in 20th century US history, so I'm fully equipped! And terrible things happen all the time, right?
Or maybe I should join HC Bingo so I can fill the 'evil scientists' square with a Kirk/Spock fic about
MKULTRA! And white man sex, of course, of course.
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