Apr 04, 2009 13:37
For TR meta purposes (mostly for Ruth's benefit since she has no Twitter): I had a great but quirky media teacher in high school whose fav theorist was Marshall McLuhan and who made a bunch of mostly slackers that took her class to 'make movies' read Understanding Media. When you do film and pop culture studies, he just keeps coming up, that wacky Canadian.
Smart guy, good theorist. But suffice it to say, I will happily make a Marshall McLuhan joke at the drop of a hat.
For the rest of you: may EP Remy later today, as I want to get her in before I go extreme ST like a hiatusing thing, and I can't leave her in the completely I don't know what the hell is going on headspace for two weeks as I'll go insane. Setting ideas welcome.
Feeling a little better. Sleeping helped. Off to library. Really want some non-fiction...I'm slugging my way through Anathem, which is easier to read than I thought it would be, but still really fucking long, and I don't know if I'll get it done in a week.
pretendy funtime games,