So. I have not actually dropped off the face of the earth. It annoys me when I reread my old entries and half of them start with some variation of “oh, it’s been so long since I last posted! It’s so hard to know what to say after all this time!”
Usually I say that after I haven’t posted in, like, a week. Since I haven’t posted in something like six months at this point, I think I'll just skip that part entirely.
I’ve actually been keeping an offline journal for the last few months. A lot of my entries have been about my weird, complicated friendship with a guy with really pretty blue eyes. Luckily the friendship never turned into anything more serious, because as it turns out, Mr. Pretty Blue Eyes is kind of an asshole.
But the good part of the whole thing is that I figured out that I miss posting on lj. Much as it’s been helpful for me to squee and vent about him offline, (not to mention keeping track of what’s been said and when), I miss the interaction with you guys.
I think part of the reason I stopped posting was because I wasn’t feeling particularly fannish. Yes, I know that’s dumb. I love a lot of fandoms, and due South, Buffy, and The Sentinel will always be my Great Fannish Loves, but I’m not obsessed with any fandoms right now and I haven’t been for a while now. Last year, I got really, really into American Idol (shut up!) and recently I’ve started watching Torchwood with
wickedelf. I’m really enjoying TW, but I’m not crazy-obsessed like I have been known to get in the past. Um, yet, anyway. I’ve only seen three episodes, so there’s time for the obsession to take hold…
In other news, I’ve finally changed the colors on my journal. It’s green now, for growth.