Woo hoo! Woo hoo! Woo hoo!

Jan 09, 2008 22:23

Jewelry class started up again tonight. Such good big fun. I was almost on time, only twenty minutes late or so. I picked up a studio monitor form from Pat and will get it filled in and turned in tomorrow. It's so good to be back. I showed off my ingot mold and my quartz stirring rod. And I used my eight inch sawframe. I managed to lose (temporarily) the one Chased Wedge T-Fold that I have been working on to make into a brooch. I really do need to clean out my car. Anyway, I cut out more of the 18 gauge copper for the enameled/chain maille suite. I then did some filing along the strip that I cut trying to get it trued up. I still have to cut the piece into smaller pieces.

I mentioned needing to get casting grain to Karen and she's interested in going in on an order. I couldn't tell from the Hauser and Miller site but Pat says that yes I can buy gold by the pennyweight. She says that in fact I could buy silver by the pennyweight but they'd laugh at me.

Chania showed up after an hour or so of class. She says class is full but that she could possibly get special dispensation from Pat to get in. Pat says yeah sure fine. It was so good to see Chania again. I always enjoy our conversations. And she works bold. It's always good to have someone else around who is into dramatic. I mentioned the get together group and its yahoo group presence and she said to send her an invite. I'm so proud of myself, I came home and wrote the email forthwith. And when I did I found that Cree had sent in a request to join so I approved her. We now number hmmmm five I think. Chania will make us six.

Karen tells me that Olivia did show up briefly to class and will be taking class again. I'll check with her and with Holly about whether they want me to re-invite them.

Pat is so excited about the prospect of me making my own alloys. She's never done it herself. She asked if I would need a carbon crucible. I said I don't know. I have to read up more fully before I start. She does have a brand new never been used for anything crucible that we are leaving in the closet, untouched, until I find out what I need. The young 'uns won't be casting for a few weeks anyway so it wouldn't be a hardship for them.

Chania is totally enthused by the fold forming and wants me to show her how to do it. I will demonstrate next week.

I turned both Chania and Wonder Pat on to Jeff de Boer. Chania now is another fan of Skipper of Arc. I love Skipper of Arc. I want to know, and yet I'm afraid to face the truth, but I do so want to know if there is an actual Skipper body inside the armor or if he only added the head and the hands. Oh please please please please let there be a whole Skipper inside. Please.

Breck and I are signed up for a class at Petsmart. Clicker Tricker or something like that. Anyway, it's a class for learning tricks. The girl at the checkout said "make sure they show you 'Bang, you're dead.' " They also cover things like learning how to do light switches and open refrigerators (I'm not sure if I want to teach a dog how to get his or her own lunch from the fridge) and things like that. I'm sure Breck and I will have fun. The class starts on 17 January.

I am so bereft and cast adrift. The Marriage Stone hasn't updated in over a month. The most glorious Josephine Darcy sent a missive to the e-group about the status of her update way before Christmas. In it she said how she had tried to get a chappie ready and was rushing and not happy with the work. And was then about to leave on a two week vacation. But she's home now. Or supposed to be. Perhaps she was kidnapped by space aliens. That could happen anywhere, anytime. Sigh. And it's a way way way long time til the next chapter of A Summer Like None Other, I know that. Aspeninthesunlight writes wonderfully long chapters and takes immeasurable care, so I'm not complaining. I will be happy when it gets here. But the wait is hard. So, let's see, I re-read Resonance by Greengecko, mostly because I knew I hadn't read the next two stories (well, I had read part of the second story but stopped for some reason). So I re-read Resonance to get back up to speed. And then went on to Revolution. And finally got to Resolution. And it's a WIP. So I'm caught up with it. And waiting waiting waiting. Arrgh arrgh arrgh.

Oh, well. I'm sure I had more to say but can't remember it now. I went by the Indian grocery to pick up samosas but they were out, again. And they had no Punjabi mix nor any other snack that I might want to take to class. I looked at the sweets but was planning to be out running errands and didn't want to chance anyone getting sick. I took a look at the sign on the Indian restaurant. Their projected opening date is now February. We'll see. Damn but I'm jonesing for some dal.

aspeninthesunlight, greengecko, marriage stone, josephine darcy, a summer like none other, friends, school, metalsmithing

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