Jun 03, 2010 15:18
Woot!: I went to hooping last night, and even though I was really late and only got about half an hour of hooping time, I think I sucked about 3% less than last time. (I can keep the hoop going for 5-10 minutes at a time now, so this time I was working on bringing it back up to my waist when it starts to get low on the hips.)
Woot!: I just found out that I can keep working at the AAAMC for the rest of the summer. Apparently almost all of the other current GAs and student employees are leaving for the summer, so they have a chunk of the budget for paying student workers during the summer that isn't earmarked for anyone.
Boo!: I got a call from someone at Bton Parks & Rec today that the Zimbabwean dance class I signed up for was canceled due to low registration. :( Too bad. I think the person teaching it also teaches somewhere else, so maybe I'll see if I can still take classes that way. Otherwise, I'll look for something at Panache or Vibe on Monday nights.
Woot!: My ATS class starts tonight! Yay.
Woot!: It looks like my grandfather is coming up to MD next month to celebrate his 90th birthday with us-- he and my mom share a birthday, and my Niecelet turns 1 just 3 days before that. So hopefully there will be some good family time then.
Boo!: I realized that I agreed to do a retreat with my grovies the weekend of my Niecelet's birthday party, and now I'm going to have to back out of that. *facepalm*
black bear grove,