Got in a few minutes after midnight. It was an easy drive this time, about 10.5 hours, no traffic to speak of other than the perpetual bottleneck in Columbus, OH, where I-70 meets umpteen bajillion other highways all at once. There was snow on the ground the entire 600 miles of my trip, which was novel-- granted, south of Indy it was just a dusting, but everywhere else it was thick enough to at least cover the grass. The roads were all clear, though, so that was good. I got here too late to greet either my mom or my grandfather, both of whom had gone to bed already, but did say hi to my dad and put the resident mean cat into the master bedroom before bringing Schmendrick in. I got him unpacked, fed, and watered, and he promptly told me what he thought of the trip by having a hairball all over the freshly cleaned carpet. That's my boy. :P Now he's chillaxing (note use of special verb just to annoy
hecubuscathead ;), and I'm in my jammies.