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Nov 02, 2008 23:15

I'm on the brink of heading into what will probably be one of the busiest weeks thus far (in my entire life, that is), but I'm probably over-reacting. I've got 7 assignments due before I graduate, and I have finished 2, with another one/two almost done. I have to do a presentation tomorrow.....groan! You'd think a semester of teaching students (i.e standing infront of a bunch of people looking like an idiot for 8 hours a week) would get me over the fear of public speaking, but I guess a little has crept back in since then. At least it's not a huge group this time, possibly one of the few advantages of having three-quarters of your class drop out of the course before we reached the end. Still, we are almost there! I can feel it, so tantalisingly close.

Bad timing though, because I'm in a play on Friday. GAH! I have to hand in 5 assessments, do another presentation, then dash back up for opening night - just my luck. I've never acted on stage before, and while being the heroine in a melodrama doesn't necessarily classify as 'acting', it's still something I'm not used to. Still, I'm doing it!

I've been forcing 'gently persueding' myself to do new, crazy, exciting things lately, and I do actually think it's being paying off in a big way, not just from the amount of growth I can see in myself, but also just because it's been damn fun doing different things. Which is why I think I'm going to take my choir conductor up on the offer of being a soloist for our December performance of The Messiah - his wife came into the pharmacy today and asked me if I was interested, being one of a 'limited number of competent altos', as she so kindly put it. I've had a look at the music, and it's scary with a few high notes and lots of frilly bits, but it's glorious. Singing infront of people scares me, but I'm going to make myself do it! *determined face*

ARG assignment!!! This presentation has been lurking in my mind all week... I have been Procrastination Incarnate this evening, although I've been procrastinating mostly by working on other assignments, so it's ok. Well, not ok, but better than watching tv. Which I really feel like doing right about now.

On a positive note, I got my Rincewind animation finished!! Yay! I think it's definitely one of the best things I've done at college, and although there's stuff I would change I'm quite happy with him :) I promise I'll post the link soon!

Anyway, I'm rambling, so I'm going to go open up all my presentation files, grab a glass of port (oh that'll keep you awake, Rhi, good one...) and do this damn thing. And if I fail to finish it, hey, my class isn't til 6pm, I've had worse last-minuters ;)

Good luck to all of my friends who are wrapping up uni for the year, just think of the sleeeeeeep!
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