(no subject)

Oct 20, 2008 20:30

It's almost 10pm and I'm still at college trying to copy renders on to my hard drive, given that this network is incredibly SLOW. I'd better not miss my one-every-hour train, or I'm going to be TICKED OFF. 3 weeks and I'll be finished!

Sitting here trying to amuse myself with various things (including drinking caffeinated drinks with my equally-frustrated classmate, and munching on too-spicy Thai food and a Picnic bar), I've begun pondering whether I should go to this or not. It looks like a LOT of fun, and it would be perfectly timed, given that it's 2 weeks after I get back from Hawaii in February :D It would involve a trip to another state, but hey, I love Melbourne, could probably stay with friends for the nights I'm down there, and also I did the Sydney to Melbourne train trip not so long ago myself (albeit with good company that time, but I'm sure I could find something to do...). It's a tempting prospect, for sure.

Soooo, should I go? I think I'm trying to talk myself into it; it does look good, I can probably afford it and could probably get the time off work, and how many chances do I have to go to something cool like this, even if it is by myself? On the other hand, am I being too frivolous? I'm not sure. If only there were some fellow Aussie Discworld fans out there who'd come along with me!


[EDIT: It's 10:09, and I just missed my train. FGGHJIILS. Now I get to ride on the train with even more creepy people - let's hear it for slow file transfers!]
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