Here we go.
So, they can't have all of SG-1 and Vala together at the same time? The universe will come to an end (again)?
Heh, SG-1 has a lot of Ba'als to play with. Why, yes, I am 10. Why do you ask? Heh, Cam's in a race to see who can get the most Ba'als.
Uh, oh. Sam gave the NID guy the Flirty Smile of Death. He's sooo doomed.
Oops, gotta hate it when you lose all your Ba'als. And #1 was the real Ba'al the whole time!
I'm so happy that Cliff Simon (Ba'al) will be at DragonCon at the end of the month! He seems like he's be such a fun person. *squees*
OMG, the went there with Rodney being shot in the ass. Are we going to get to hear Carson say "arse" in this episode? Aww, Rodney's so cute when doped up on morphine. And he made a comment about John's hair!
OK, who is the unnamed Major, and where's Lorne?
WTF, the bachelor hive ship? It has a king, and not a queen?
Mmm...leather. John's so pretty in leather. Thank goodness the Odyssey brought leather...
Why ever would Col. Caldwell think SGA-1 constantly gets in trouble? *innocent look*
Oooh, backstory for Ronon. Yay! He was starting to feel kinda flat to me. This looks like "Ronon is too cool for words" episode. *grin*
Hey, I think I saw some junkies shoot up in that warehouse in "Da Vinci's Inquest".
Wow, Teyla is hot in that black tank top.
Aww, poor John can't talk to girls (or maybe it's anyone in general), and that "YouElizabethRononCarsonevenRodney are the closest thing I have to..." "A family?" Go Teyla for forcing a conversation out of him, and the brother/sister hand pat was sweet. Yes, when John's not half Iratus, I think he treats Teyla more like a sister. One he's not afraid to make fun of on occasion.
Are Rodney and Carson are having a little lover's spat over Ronon?
Mmm, John's still in leather.
I love John's filtering of Rodney's rant.
Hee, Carson and Rodney sniping at each other and John from the Jumper. OMG, Carson's going for the big gun! And he's fighting Rodney for it! Then the fight being all over before they decide anything.
LOL, John can't stand that Teyla tagged more Wraith than he did, so he had to add to how many he shot! Teyla is sooo gonna kick his ass during their next training session.
Go Rodney and Carson! I like that Carson is better able to control his ATA gene now, and apparently Rodney's getting better at piloting a Jumper.
Aww, Ronon appreciates Carson's help in killing the boss Wraith, and John's count of how many Wraith he killed just jumped again!
Ok, good episode, nice to have some background on Ronon, and John to an extent. Mainly that John doesn't really have a family outside of Atlantis. Also, nice interaction between SGA-1 and Carson. Good to see Carson taking a moral stand and fighting the Wraith instead of trying to cure them all. I think the events of "Misbegotten" finally convinced him there is no "cure" for the Wraith.