Mar 21, 2005 10:30
This is what happens when you have a lot of time on your hands because you're bored and sick. I may give a legitimate update later.
Have you ever...
Fallen for your best friend? No.
Made out with JUST a friend? Yes
Been rejected? Yes
Been in love? Puppy love? Yes. True love? No, cause we’d still be together.
Cheated on someone? No.
Been cheated on? I don't think so
Been kissed? Yeah
Done something you regret? There are things I would have done differently, but I really hardly, if ever, regret anything.
Who was the last person...
You talked to? Roommate
You instant messaged? Mike
You kissed? Brittany
You yelled at? They employees at work
You laughed with? Roommate
Who broke your heart? Probably Sara and that was a while ago.
Do you...
Color your hair? Nope
Have tattoos? No, but I'm still thinking about getting the Pantala Naga Pampa lyrics put on my arm in some sort of shape or something.
Piercings? Nadda
Have a girlfriend? I'll go back there when I'm ready.
Ever get off the damn computer? Yeah, usually weekends, class, gym, work, guitar, cruising, drinking will all get me off.
Have you/do you have...
Considered a life of crime? I'd be cool to live like Vincent and Jules
Are you psycho? If you ask people who know little about me, maybe. People like drama and to be judgmental. If you ask those who do know me, no.
Obsessive? Can be
Obsessive compulsive? A little
Panic? No
Anxiety? Sometimes
Depressed? Sometimes
Suicidal? When I saw Boogeyman I considered it.
Obsessed with hate? I'm not really an angry person. People sometimes ask me if I'm mad when I'm not at all...I think it has to do with the way my face naturally settles. The Yankees make me hate sometimes though.
Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death,& gore? Whadda dumb question.
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? See above.
If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Brazil, or somewhere in South America - preferably the rain forest.
What would you be doing? Dancing in the rain
What are you listening to? My vaporizer
Can you do anything freakish with your body? Not that I can think of immediately
Chicken or fish? Chicken, I hate most seafood.
Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? Phooey the cat used to be my favorite (RIP buddy :( )
Current Clothes: Blue basketball shorts, a Triumph t-shirt (just woke up)
Current Mood: Bored and annoyed with being sick
Current Taste: Aquafina FlavorSplash
Current Hair: Short and messy
Current Annoyance: Some kid playing that "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" song next door
Current Smell: Vicks vaporwhatever in the vaporizer
Current thing I ought to be doing: Typing a paper for the arts class
Current Desktop Picture: Some picture that a telescope took of these colors from galaxies or something out in space that form what looks like a giant eye - it's called "God's Eye"
Current Favorite Groups: Dave Matthews Band, Jack Johnson, Weezer, Postal Service, Donavon Frankenreiter (Sorry Blink, I’m not 16 anymore)
Current Book: Dean Koontz's Frankenstein
Current DVD in Player: Chicago
Current Refreshment: See "Current Taste"
Current Worry: Stop being sick
Current Favorite Celebrity: I don't really have a single person
Food: Kix, most stuff from the Soda Shoppe
Drink: Heineken, Long Island Iced Teas, Guinness, Dos Equis
Color: I don't know...Blue? Red?
Shoes: My new Birks (yeah, I know, those are sandals)
Candy: Junior Mints
TV Show: The Office (British version), NESN Sox baseball
Movie(s): Whooo.... Halloween (original), Love Actually, Kill Bill v1 + 2, Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs, Fight Club, Moulin Rouge, Toy Story, Original TCM, Sideways, Predator (GET TO THE CHOPPA!)…Predator isn’t really one, I just wanted to type the choppa thing.
Vegetable: Baby carrots
Fruit: Pineapples
Understanding: Depends on the situation
Open-minded: I'm always up for anything
Arrogant: I couldn't judge that, only others really could
Insecure: At times
Interesting: Once you know me, sure
Hungry: Not right now
Friendly: Yeah, I'm always up for meeting and talking to new people
Smart: Depends on the extent of what you consider smart to be.
Moody: Sometimes
Childish: At work, yes, I need to be or I'll kill myself. Anywhere else, no, not really.
Independent: Thinker, yes. I am not a trendy person. I do what I do cause I like to do it.
Hard working: Why lie? No.
Organized: Yeah
Healthy: Overall, yeah. But not at the moment.
Emotionally Stable: 75% of the time.
Shy: Around new people, usually
Difficult: I am opinionated
Attractive: To some people, yes, to others no. Depends on what your taste is. If you only like one type of person, chances are that I am not it.
Bored Easily: Yes
Thirsty: A little.
Responsible: Can be.
Sad: Sometimes
Happy: Sure
Trusting: To others? Initially, yes. Usually when it's gone though, it's gone.
Talkative: Around people I know well? Yeah.
Original: I don't see many other people who act/look like me.
Different: Yes
Lonely: Friend wise? Nah. Relationship wise? Yes, but I understand that quite often loneliness is the best route.
On Friends...
Best Friend(s): Mike, Dan-o, Greg, Nate have always been consistently there.
Friend(s) you go to for advice? I don't usually ask for advice. Probably should.
Friend(s) you have the most fun with? I have a great time with all my friends.
Friend(s) you've dreamt about? All of em at some point I bet.
Friend(s) your tell secrets to? I tend to keep very personal things personal, but you know I consider you a good friend of mine if I've told you some very personal things.
On Dating...
Long or short hair? Long
Dark or blond hair? Dark
Tall or short? Doesn't matter
Ms. Sensitive or Ms. Funny? I can only cope with someone who's both.
Good girl or bad girl? 90% of the time good, 10% of the time bad.
Dark or light eyes? Dark, but doesn't really matter.
Freckles or none? Freckles look nice on a girl to me, it's cute. But either is fine.
Smart of dipsy? She has to have a head on her shoulders. I'd like to idolize someone.
Accent or American? either
On preferences...
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Neither. Coffee milk, wahoo!
McDonalds or Burger King? I tend to stay away from fast food.
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Friend.
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? All of em.
Cats or dogs? Both are cool in their own ways
Ocean or Pool? Both are fine. York, Maine is gorgeous though.
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? I haven't had Doritos in a long time, but I'd say Cool Ranch
With or without ice-cubes? Put it on ice.
Shine or rain? Sunny days are great, but I love rainy days because they're so relaxing.
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? All are fine. I just don't like excessive snow.
Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
Eyes open or closed? Open. Eyes are your mind’s window.
Chewing gum or hard candy? Gum
Lights on or off? Off
What's your favorite:
Holiday? Halloween, Thanksgiving
Radio station? I hardly listen to the radio
Place? Boston
Scent? Rain