Title: 5 times Cesc Fàbregas did something inappropriate
Characters: Random members of La Selección
Word Count: 881
Rating: PG. Swearing, but that's about it.
Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know them, don't own them, etc, etc. You know the drill.
Author's Notes: Wow. This one was actually short, and I didn’t even try to make it short or anything. But anyway yes. The first one is sort of emo, but…my muse demanded it. And on another note: waedfuhbrtvfyrtv! TWO DAYS LEFT. 5:44 A.M. *blinks*
1. The mood in the room was somber, especially considering how raucous they usually were. David Villa was determinedly staring out the the window, not actually looking at anything in particular. Joaquín had developed a sudden interest in his nails. Íker looked like he was trying to figure out what to say, and Xabi seemed to be at a loss for words too.
And then there was David Albelda. The reason why everyone was so quiet and solemn. What were you supposed to say to him really?
Finally Cesc breaks the silence. “Alright, I can’t take it anymore. David, let’s play ‘Dance Dance Revolution’.”
Xabi stares at him. “Cesc.”
Íker glared at him. “Cesc, for once in your life, show some respect. Just sit down and shut the hell up.”
But David said, “No, it’s okay. I’ll play.”
It ended in tears. No one knew if he was crying from laughing so hard (“Cesc, I thought you’d be good at this game!”) or because he was still upset. Or maybe it was a little of both. Only in the end, David squeezes Cesc’s shoulder and thanks him before he leaves the room.
“Cesc.” Xabi looks amused.
“I’ve seen you play that game. You’re really good.”
“I know. But good dance moves aren’t as funny as terribly bad ones, which end with the person falling a numerous amount of times.” He shrugs. “I know it was inappropriate, but it made him laugh.”
2. “Íkerrrrrrrrrr!”
“Cesc, shut up and go away!”
“But I really really need to pee!”
“I don’t care, I’m taking a shower!”
“Come on, pleeeeease? You’re behind the shower curtain, I won’t see anything.”
“Cesc! No.”
Íker hears a whimper from the other side of the door. “If you need to pee so badly, just go over to Xabi’s room or something.” He hears Cesc mumble something and then silence.
He’s just starting to relax when, “I’m sorry, okay? Iknowyou’regoingtokillmebutohmygodmybladder’sabouttoburst!”
Cesc puts his hands in front of his eyes. “I’m not peeking, I swear!”
“Cesc, get out!”
Cesc is quiet and then Íker hears the unmistakable sound of a toilet flushing and a second later Íker is screeching as the scalding water hits him.
His skin is red and pinched when he stumbles out.
Cesc takes one look at him, squeaks and shoots out of the room like a bullet.
3. “Oh my god. He’s drunk.” Íker blinks and watches as Xabi moves forward just in time to stop Cesc from falling off his chair.
David tilts his head. “It’s like watching a drunk baby. It’s almost too painful to watch.”
Íker looks impatient. “Fuck this. If he’s doing stupidness when he’s sober, god knows what the fuck he’ll do when he’s drunk. We have to take him back to the hotel.”
David actually looks crestfallen. “You’re no fun.”
They’re back in the hotel and waiting for the elevator, while Cesc is still loudly singing some peculiar song. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the seeeeeeea?!” Sergio giggles a bit and Fernando thinks he hears him say, “Spongebob Squarepants”, but that didn’t make any sense at all, so he must have misunderstood.
That’s when Aragonés appears and Cesc breaks away from them.
“Ara!” he cries out, happily. “Why didn’t you come out with us? Staying in your hotel room all night long. You need to have fuuuuuuuuun!” And with that Cesc plants one on him. On his cheek, but nevertheless, it was done.
Xabi quickly grabbed him and pushed him into the elevator that had arrived.
“Oh my god, I think I just threw up in my mouth,” Fernando says.
When Cesc wakes the next day, he can’t really remember a thing. All he knows is that the sun is too bright, the rest of the team are too loud, his head hurts and what the fuck, did Aragonés just wink at him?
4. Xabi groans. “Cesc…”
“If I had a daughter,” Cesc begins.
“Oh, make it stop,” Fernando whines. “Someone please, just make it stop.”
“I would name her Eva,” Cesc finishes. “She would be the prettiest little girl ever. I would tie her hair up in ribbons and she would look adorable.” He looks around. “Can I tie someone’s hair to show you an example?”
All eyes land on Sergio, who squeaks.
“Touch my hair and you’re a dead man,” he tells Cesc.
Cesc pouts but says nothing. He’d figure out a way some how.
The next day Cesc is walking around with a sore arm, but in his other arm, he’s carrying around a picture of Íker sporting two of the world’s tiniest pigtails. “See? Eva would look like that, but cute, coz she’d have nicer hair."
Joaquín raises an eyebrow at Íker. “You let him tie your hair?”
“No. I woke up to pink ribbons in my hair.”
Joaquín laughed and Íker then
asked how the hair on his arms were doing, and Joaquín promptly shuts up.
5. Almost anything Cesc did really. Xabi believes that Cesc has his heart in the right spot, he just has the misfortune of having a big mouth that moves too fast before his brain can stop him from talking out loud. That and he doesn’t give his brain time to process things before acting on them. Íker agrees. He not-so-secretly believes that ‘inappropriate’ might be Cesc’s middle name.