Title: 6 non-playing related injuries Cesc Fàbregas obtained during national duty
Characters: Random members of La Selección
Word Count:967
Rating: PG. Swearing, but that's about it.
Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know them, don't own them, etc, etc. You know the drill.
Author's Notes: For
twentythree0ate coz she is an awesome possum and she is my SS kthx. Crack is fun! And now I can read Naomi's fic. *bounces*
1. Losing feeling in his fingertips because of his innate…Cesc-ness
“I can do it, really!”
“Cesc, no one is asking you to do it.”
“I know. But I’m just saying, I can do it.”
“Okay, fine. We believe you.”
“I don’t.”
“Fine, I’ll show you.”
Cesc reaches forward towards the flames and then―
Fernando laughs when he hears Cesc yelp, and Xabi groans, thinking that they really are going to be the death of him.
“Are you okay?” he asks, as Cesc blows on his singed fingertips.
Cesc reaches over and pokes at Xabi’s nose. Then he pouts. “I can’t feel my fingertips.”
2. That sore shoulder from that time he was convinced he could make it to bed without turning on the lights
He didn’t really have a choice. When he had left the room earlier on, Fernando had given him two choices: either to be in bed and fast asleep before he and Sergio came in, or to not turn on the lights if he came in after them.
Fernando had promised that if he turned on the light, that yes, he would be mentally scarred for life.
So when he comes in, he’s sure he can make it to bed in the dark. He knew where his bed was. On his way, he bumped into the table. Bruised his knee there. He fell over a pair of shoes and that hurt his knees too. When he finally bumped into his bed, he was relieved. He flopped down, only to feel...limbs.
Then he hears a shriek and, “Cesc!”
In his hurry to scramble off, he ends up falling off the bed, his shoulder hitting the floor first.
“You two are having sex on my bed!”
There’s silence and then, “Oh shit. You’re right. I forgot I got the left one.”
3. A sore neck from that time he was on MSN for 8 hours
“Who are you even talking to?”
Xabi glances at Íker, who just shrugs in reply. As long as he was quiet, he didn’t really care what the hell Cesc did.
But two hours later, Xabi tries again. “Cesc, it’s been four hours. I really don’t think it’s good for your eyes.”
Cesc mumbles something incoherent back, and Xabi has a sneaking suspicion that the reason he doesn’t understand is because Cesc had just spoken in netspeak.
A few hours later and: “Cesc, this is ridiculous. You need to get off the computer. I don’t think you’ve moved for seven hours. Have you even eaten?”
Cesc doesn’t even reply this time. Xabi wonders if they’ve lost him for good.
He emerges an hour later with, “Owww! Owww owww oww. My neck.”
“Told you you shouldn’t have been on the computer for so long,” Íker said, smugly.
Xabi glares at him.
“Oh relax, Xabi. I just said it coz I know you wouldn’t have the heart to say ‘I told you so’,” Íker says.
4. A sprained neck from that time Joaquín swore he knew how to fix someone’s neck
“What happened to your neck?”
“I slept on one side.”
“He’s lying. He was on the internet for eight hours.”
Joaquín stares at him. “Eight hours?”
Cesc starts to nod, but whimpers at the pain. “Yes. It was an important conversation.”
Íker snorts. “Eight hours of internet sex is most likely.”
“With you and Xabi in the room? As if.”
“You would be so lucky.”
“Ugh! Ewww! Don’t put images in my head.”
“You love the images.”
“Shut up!”
“I can fix your neck.”
Cesc falls silent and looks at Joaquín. “Really?”
Joaquín nods and grins at him. “Really. I took a course.”
Íker snorts. “Where, in a back alley?”
Joaquín glares at him. “A legitimate course.”
Cesc moves closer to him. “Okay. Fix me.”
Íker stares at him. “Cesc. Don’t be stupid. If it hurts that much, tell one of the doctors.”
“What? Then I’ll have to explain how I got it.”
“I can do it,” Joaquín insists.
Íker rolls his eyes. “This is a car wreck waiting to happen.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “I can’t watch. I know it’s going to be awful.”
And sure enough: “OWW! Whatthefuckdidyoudotomyneck?!”
Íker opens his eyes and Cesc’s head is now turned to the left. “I can’t move my neck!”
Íker shakes his head at them. “You’re both idiots.”
5. Losing his voice after battling Sergio on SingStar
He lost, obviously.
Sergio had picked all the high-pitched songs and seriously, “What the fuck, Sergio? No guy’s voice is supposed to go that high!”
Sergio had, incredulously enough, batted his eyeslashes at him (which caused Fernando to keel over from laughter) and said, “You’re just jealous coz I sing better than you.”
Cesc had then chosen Reflection by Christina Aguilera, just to prove a point. Needless to say, the point was not proven. It ended with Sergio being smug, Cesc losing his voice and La Selección being happy in general because…well, Cesc had lost his voice.
6. Those marks around his neck from when Íker tried to (unsuccessfully) strangle him.
They didn’t really hurt, it was just more of a bother. He had taken to wearing turtlenecks and scarves to cover it up, because it was hard to explain. And you know. Embarrassing.
Robin grew suspicious and eventually started to get all huffy because, “Cesc, did someone in your national team give you a hickey? You better just tell me now.”
And Cesc huffily replied, “And so what if they did? You going to beat them up? They'd just sit on you and that fight would be over.”
Robin mumbled something under his breath in Dutch, and Cesc swears he hears a swear word there that Robin had tried to teach him a few months back.